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How to join.


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Hi. I've been in some main clans in pre-eoc and have been messing around lately.


I have a pure that I am training as well as a 126 CB main. I saw that you guys are having main events and I'm wondering if this is some sort of team that I can join or apply for?

Looks really fun and would be cool to join in on the fun but don't want to join any main clan that's open.

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1 minute ago, Utc said:

join on your pure and that way get involved with our main stuff aswell

This, and you have to be well known in Foe's community to attend.

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join on pure, attend and be active on pure and events that req using pures. then when we have random main events you can be a part of those.

hang around on finalownage cc, idle in our teamspeak and join the discord.

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Post an introduction, followed by an application once you're ready. During your application period max your pure. There's some main events however it's exclusive to FOE members & you need a pure to (1-25 def) 

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if uve been in main clans id assume ud know that the info on how 2 join is found in the application forum

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