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Huge Granite Mual MERCH

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Anyone looked at the granite maul prices lately!?

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ME and a bunch of friends are investing millions into buying gmauls currently. They are selling at 213K min ea right now, and I have a feeling they are going to shoot up

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You dont have to invest if you don't want, but it seems like a good merch right now :)

Creamie pies

Nahh, They stay the same.


i bought 55k raw sharks before the weekend for lowest, too bad they went back up and i only gained like 800k for a weeks worth lols


When people realize G maul protects over everything @ lower levels.... The price will drop.


as if, its just in a slump right now, guarentee they are going to raise 100k minimum soon. not just because of people merching but demand alone. people are going to start seeing.. wtf 220k for a maul? im getting a couple

pretty soon ... profit :)


I haven't had a good chuckle in a while, post the results of this merch when you're done.


Cant see em raisin anytime soon


hope you have enough to buy em.. otherwise ROLF


when i needed to merch up to 40m i merched inf boots they was damn good


regardless if it takes a while or not, the price will go up

i'm must going to train skills and sw, saving up alot of zeal till its needed :)


goodluck with ur merch xd

madly hybrid

yes it will eventually go up but very slowly


i'm skilling anyways. so hopefully while i waste cash skilling i'll be making some cash in ge

might as well try instead of leaving my money rotting


yes it will eventually go up but very slowly


Shut Up Kid

lol, all i can say


they just went down 10k


I think it is a good idea. Because of simple "invisible hand" economics, it is natural that an item of decently high demand will raise due to the fall in the price that came artificially (from previous merchs or flips).


G maul spec is not instant anymore, therefore prices go down as more people using dds.

DDS should be invested in lawl. Fricekn 70-100k street price

2 Inch Maul

They will raise, a merch clan will eventually merch this.


lol, all i can say



lol, i wont be taking part in this

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