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Ok i want to start a new pure because some the pures i had got banned because i botted on them and i need a new pure...but what type i had a Pure just a normal 60att pure idk pick one of the opinions below or request a pure..

60Attack Pure? 60att Pure.

Corrupt Vesta Pure 20att?

Zerker? have an acc with 40def with dt done and some good quest done? what are the quest list for dis?

Lowest Turmoil Pure? like bonesaw? but fuck 50m i have to spend on pray....ffs... idk about dis

Rune Pure? Like Yes Im Mike


Prayer is like 150m+ for 95 prayer. Get a Zerker, beast accs


zerker bgloves are fucking gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

takes forever for dat shit

Pat l I Convict I3

Go with a 40 defense rune pure, and get turm on that with 60/70 attack. Pretty damn amazing.


start 20 attack with 60-70 str and have fun f2p and p2p with corrupt. 80 str you might get bored so do 50 attack or 40 if you wanna f2p.

50 attack you can still use corrupt.

60 attack get 44 pray and start hybriding.

Stay 31- pray until 60 attack

If you have $$ do turmoil

If you wanna constantly hit 0s on eachother become like yes im mike (faggot)


Yes Im Mike is a Whore


Yes Im Mike is my bitch.

b a m b iii

get like them all and proggesivly go on


Why is Yes Im Mike a faggot?

madly hybrid

corrupt vesta pure


None of them, become a range g mauler pure, personally dont think a 20 attk vesta pure is good its costly

Guest Emote|Muse

zerker bgloves are fucking gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

takes forever for dat shit


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