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1-20 Defence


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Is 20 defence ever worth it?


Whats it like in edgeville? (maxed 75atk)

is it any better for clan pking (in p2p)

i can imagine its better overall for slayer and general playing rs but what about the pvp aspect?


Real answers only pls XD


edit: Whenever i PK its generally deep wildy rather than edgeville 

Edited by Creamman
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20/25 Def is mainly used for a clanning build.


However, it is beneficial for other bonuses like slayer helm as mentioned.


If you do lots of 1v1, stay 1 defence.

Multi pking is fine 20 def but around revs mains can hit most 75 att 25 def accounts which can be annoying sometimes.


Id recommend getting 2 accounts

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7 minutes ago, Ryan said:

20/25 Def is mainly used for a clanning build.


However, it is beneficial for other bonuses like slayer helm as mentioned.


If you do lots of 1v1, stay 1 defence.

Multi pking is fine 20 def but around revs mains can hit most 75 att 25 def accounts which can be annoying sometimes.


Id recommend getting 2 accounts


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9 minutes ago, Ryan said:

Id recommend getting 2 accounts

barely have the time to play one account, most of my grinding of stats is done afk at work for 10hrs a day (mobile)

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1 hour ago, Ryan said:

20/25 Def is mainly used for a clanning build.


However, it is beneficial for other bonuses like slayer helm as mentioned.


If you do lots of 1v1, stay 1 defence.

Multi pking is fine 20 def but around revs mains can hit most 75 att 25 def accounts which can be annoying sometimes.


Id recommend getting 2 accounts


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27 minutes ago, Forced said:

25 def best

whats the point of 25 defence other than accidentally getting 21 from being a spaz then making 25 the meta because your in charge?

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2 hours ago, Creamman said:

whats the point of 25 defence other than accidentally getting 21 from being a spaz then making 25 the meta because your in charge?

frogleather basically the only reason 

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1 minute ago, Cole said:

If you have big dick get 25

personally i dont think 25 is even a pure, just looks scratty lol 

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