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Couple comes out to with guns for protesters, thoughts?


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BLM is a violent racist movement. 

What would you do if "protesters" come to your house, your shop, everything you've worked for all of your life and wanted to trash it and steal everything? 

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the protesters were trespassing and had no reason to be in their neighborhood. europeans shouldn't make fun of americans because we don't know what it is like to live with so many blacks, they do indeed commit a shit ton of violent crime, it is only natural for precautions. EXlUwukWsAAVt9n.jpg.663118596b2d42552c36f67e8b54ba0c.jpg

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46 minutes ago, b3eplyy said:

the protesters were trespassing and had no reason to be in their neighborhood. europeans shouldn't make fun of americans because we don't know what it is like to live with so many blacks, they do indeed commit a shit ton of violent crime, it is only natural for precautions. EXlUwukWsAAVt9n.jpg.663118596b2d42552c36f67e8b54ba0c.jpg




systemic racism has absolutely nothing to do with this, this is all culture. 

If i grew up in the area i was born, id probably be in prison now, all the lads from my area would burgle houses, steal cars and always fight, but my family moved me away from that.


Black people tent to stick to their own communities, meaning children are brought up with criminals and follow that path. This isn't because they're black, its because of how their community is... if they where broken up and spread around the country evenly it would most likely change.

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29 minutes ago, Creamman said:




systemic racism has absolutely nothing to do with this, this is all culture. 

If i grew up in the area i was born, id probably be in prison now, all the lads from my area would burgle houses, steal cars and always fight, but my family moved me away from that.


Black people tent to stick to their own communities, meaning children are brought up with criminals and follow that path. This isn't because they're black, its because of how their community is... if they where broken up and spread around the country evenly it would most likely change.

yeah, there's lots of reasons for their poor performance. being born out of wedlock at staggering numbers doesn't help at all. I feel it is very dishonest of the BLM-movement to proclaim that the problems of the black communities are solely a product of the white majority, and completely ignoring their own internal problems.


Thomas sowell has written about how the stupid culture of the black american came to be in his book black rednecks and white liberals, can be dl-ed here (first chapters most relevant):


unfortunately it seems to me that many blacks cling to their contemporary culture as "black culture" and thereby are reluctant to improve or change it but i also believe they have more potential. lots of immigrant groups that would presumably also be held down by the "systemic racism" outperform them easily https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income

to be fair, the people migrating might be more resourceful on average than the american black but still. people from ghana have twice the household income than the US blacks do.

Edited by b3eplyy
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24 minutes ago, b3eplyy said:

yeah, there's lots of reasons for their poor performance. being born out of wedlock at staggering numbers doesn't help at all. I feel it is very dishonest of the BLM-movement to proclaim that the problems of the black communities are solely a product of the white majority, and completely ignoring their own internal problems.


Thomas sowell has written about how the stupid culture of the black american came to be in his book black rednecks and white liberals, can be dl-ed here (first chapters most relevant):


unfortunately it seems to me that many blacks cling to their contemporary culture as "black culture" and thereby are reluctant to improve or change it but i also believe they have more potential. lots of immigrant groups that would presumably also be held down by the "systemic racism" outperform them easily https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income

to be fair, the people migrating might be more resourceful on average than the american black but still. people from ghana have twice the household income than the US blacks do.

Downloading this book. Seems really interesting, thanks.

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2 hours ago, Creamman said:



BLM is a violent racist movement. 

What would you do if "protesters" come to your house, your shop, everything you've worked for all of your life and wanted to trash it and steal everything? 

Are you stupid irl or something? Fuck Trump and fuck the racist ass pigs in your country that's all I gotta say, word up. 

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2 hours ago, b3eplyy said:

the protesters were trespassing and had no reason to be in their neighborhood. europeans shouldn't make fun of americans because we don't know what it is like to live with so many blacks, they do indeed commit a shit ton of violent crime, it is only natural for precautions. EXlUwukWsAAVt9n.jpg.663118596b2d42552c36f67e8b54ba0c.jpg

Ok now tell me hm white ppl get shot by black cops a year, why defend racism?? Du skuffer meg gutt. Skjønner du ikke at det landet er helt på villspor og at rasismen har tatt helt av der eller hva faen liksom?

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2 minutes ago, ceZa said:
2 hours ago, Creamman said:



BLM is a violent racist movement. 

What would you do if "protesters" come to your house, your shop, everything you've worked for all of your life and wanted to trash it and steal everything? 

Are you stupid irl or something? Fuck Trump and fuck the racist ass pigs in your country that's all I gotta say, word up. 

so you think riots and smashing everything up is good then? seems you'r the stupid one wtf 

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Just now, ceZa said:

Ok now tell me hm white ppl get shot by black cops a year, why defend racism?? Du skuffer meg gutt. Skjønner du ikke at det landet er helt på villspor og at rasismen har tatt helt av der eller hva faen liksom?

No Problem, last year 9 black people where killed unarmed by police in the US last year. 17 White.

Yes black people are a smaller % of the country, but they massively commit more violent crimes than anyone else. 


Facts over feelings man, nobody wants racism and calling facts racist is just stupid...


for me i dont give a fuck what colour anyone is, just be nice and whats the issue 

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3 minutes ago, Creamman said:

so you think riots and smashing everything up is good then? seems you'r the stupid one wtf 

Sorry but this is a crap response. You're painting an entire movement, with justifiable cause, as awful becasue of a few fuckwits. The vast majority of BLM protests have been peaceful, especially those in the UK.


Obvs rioting and smashing up communities is awful and shouldn't be condoned, but it's equivalent to saying supporting a football team is bad because some of their hooligans bottle other fans.

Edited by Piers
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6 minutes ago, Creamman said:

so you think riots and smashing everything up is good then? seems you'r the stupid one wtf 

The smashing no, the riots and demonstrations? Fuck yea. Wtf u expect when things like this happens over and over? As a matter of fact, there's demonstrations all over the world after G Floyd was murdered brutally by a motherfucking cop and it's still pisses me off and saddens me so much.  That racism is still a thing in 2020 I just cant believe buts it's the world we live in. Wether it's religion, skin colour or ethnicity. 

Edited by ceZa
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2 minutes ago, Piers said:

Sorry but this is a crap response. You're painting an entire movement, with justifiable cause, as awful becasue of a few fuckwits. The vast majority of BLM protests have been peaceful, especially those in the UK.


Obvs rioting and smashing up communities is awful and shouldn't be condoned, but it's equivalent to saying supporting a football team is bad because some of their hooligans bottle other fans.

people have literally had their throats cut in the uk during these "peaceful" protests. 


Yes in geneneral in the UK it is peaceful, but NONE OF THIS has to do with the UK at all...

I worked for Virgin Media for years, at one point we where turning away white people who were qualified for the job and giving it to anyone but... thats racist but hey its fine because you can discriminate against white people...

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3 minutes ago, ceZa said:

The smashing no, the riots and demonstrations? Fuck yea. Wtf u expect when things like this happens over and over?

more white people are killed by police than black so...


lets all riot 

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5 minutes ago, ceZa said:

Ok now tell me hm white ppl get shot by black cops a year, why defend racism?? Du skuffer meg gutt. Skjønner du ikke at det landet er helt på villspor og at rasismen har tatt helt av der eller hva faen liksom?



Du må ikke være så bombastisk å tro at du vet alt. På nøyaktig hvilken måte mener du at rasismen har tatt helt av der? Mistenker at du burde være med kritisk til det du leser. Dessuten hvis du refererer til svarte drept av politi per svarte innbygger, så glemmer det å ta hensyn til at svarte er i betydelig større kontakt med politiet i utgangspunktet og følgelig blir uærlig fremstilling av data.

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5 minutes ago, Creamman said:

people have literally had their throats cut in the uk during these "peaceful" protests. 


Yes in geneneral in the UK it is peaceful, but NONE OF THIS has to do with the UK at all...

I worked for Virgin Media for years, at one point we where turning away white people who were qualified for the job and giving it to anyone but... thats racist but hey its fine because you can discriminate against white people...

People have literally been bottled and died for supporting another football club, but that doesn't make all of their supporters savages.


I actually think equating the UK and US BLM movements is a poor idea. Our problems are unique to us, as are the USAs. Theirs made worse by the 2nd amendment.


On the job quotas: good. Meritocracy can only go so far and reinforces existing biases. We have to have quotas as an affirmative action to rectify imbalances because it'll never happen organically. It's like any other job market intervention to correct for unintended consequences. Each case is unique and their application can go wrong, but in principle we need them.



Edited by Piers
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not gonna waste my time engaging in an argument with @Creamman as its particularly apparent he has a sub 90 iq 


just here to say it is very clear that white man has clearly never fired a gun in his life, lmao at the way he holdin' it



and to @b3eplyy your point about 'blacks' reaching their potential and how immigrant families achieve higher is actually proving the systematic racism point, there is SO much more to that particular point that what you've said. YES there is a culture problem, but that problem is also acknowledged by black scholars and academics. If you genuinely are interested I can continue this in pm but cba talking here because there's too many reactionary low IQ individuals who will racebait etc 

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1 minute ago, Piers said:

On the job quotas: good. Meritocracy can only go so far and reinforces existing biases. We have to have quotas as an affirmative action to rectify imbalances because it'll never happen organically. It's like any other job market intervention to correct for unintended consequences. Each case is unique and their application can go wrong, but in principle we need them.

massively disagree...


if i was in charge of hiring, i would take whoever is best for the job. if i need 100 emplyees are the best are all black, id have only black, if all asain, only asian same for white. there shouldnt be laws forced onto companies to have so many of each colour and push people away who deserve the job because they're the wrong colour. that is literally what racism is...

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8 minutes ago, b3eplyy said:



Du må ikke være så bombastisk å tro at du vet alt. På nøyaktig hvilken måte mener du at rasismen har tatt helt av der? Mistenker at du burde være med kritisk til det du leser. Dessuten hvis du refererer til svarte drept av politi per svarte innbygger, så glemmer det å ta hensyn til at svarte er i betydelig større kontakt med politiet i utgangspunktet og følgelig blir uærlig fremstilling av data.

Det ser som at du gjør det samme med de statistikkene dine dessverre. Synes det hendelsen med George Floyd er ok? At en jævla purkefaen setter kneet sitt på halsen hans i 8 min og ingen gjør noe som helst for å hjelpe? Synes synd på deg da isåfall fy faen ass. Ta deg sammen!!  Du må skjønne at det har foregått rasisme i USA spesielt så lenge hvor hvite purk skyter for å drepe HVER GANG, selv om personen ikke har våpen på seg. Rett etter Floyd ble drept skjedde det samme med en 27 år gammel trebarnsfar. Motivet er rasisme all over, og det vises gang på gang. 

Edited by ceZa
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1 minute ago, ceZa said:

Det ser som at du gjør det samme med de statistikkene dine dessverre. Synes det hendelsen med George Floyd er ok? At en jævla purkefaen setter kneet sitt på halsen hans i 8 min og ingen gjør noe som helst for å hjelpe? Synes synd på deg da isåfall fy faen ass. Ta deg sammen!!  Du må skjønne at det har foregått rasisme i USA spesielt så lenge hvor hvite purk skyter for å drepe HVER GANG, selv om personen ikke har våpen på seg. Rett etter Floyd ble drept skjedde det samme med en 27 år gammel trebarnsfar. Motivet er rasisme all over. 

Du kan slutte med hersketeknikker og personangrep. Har selvsagt aldri sagt at George Floyd-hendelsen av greit, hvor har du den ideen fra? Hvorfor er det rasisme når politiet skyter for å drepe, når de dreper alle raser? Er ikke noe rase i den diskusjonen, det er jo dårlig politiarbeid. Bare fordi en hvit politimann skyter en svart mann, eller en svart politimann skyter en hvit, så er det ikke nok til å konkludere at rasisme var motivasjonen.

På hvilken måte gjør jeg det samme med statistikkene mine? Jeg er helt åpen om at det er ting som påvirker resultatet som statistikken viser, men realiteten er at svarte begår mye kriminalitet, så at folk er mer varsom med dem er ikke noe å være overrasket over. En slutter å gjerne kontemplere sosioøkonomiske bakgrunnen for hva de gjør når de oppfører seg aggressivt ovenfor nabolaget en bor i. Dessuten, hvor mye kriminalitet får de lov til å begå før vi holder dem ansvarlig for det? Kan de gjøre så mye de vil, bare fordi de er fattig? Er det ingen grense?

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