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Fire Cape Guide - 1 Defence - USMA


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one of the most rewarding feelings I ever had in osrs was getting my first fire cape and it actually being on my 60atk pure.
definitely recommend watching this and trying it out for yourself. 

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On 9/28/2020 at 3:25 AM, Nando said:

If you don't feel like doing the cape ask our leader and pay him to do so


On 9/28/2020 at 10:26 AM, orgasms said:

never got my own fire cape sad lmao

nice vid  dude

if you cant do fc youre a damn khawal himar 

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On 9/27/2020 at 1:20 PM, USMA said:

See youtube video below. It's like an hour and a half+. Takes you all the way through the caves. Let me know if you have any questions. 




wow much cape very cape good cape

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11 hours ago, Prg said:

Nice guide man. This helped me a ton with the Jad fight. I never have killed the healers completely since I thought they came back. Great job dude. 

They have only came back once out of all my fire cape runs, and it was because I took too long to kill Jad. I think there is a timer, so as long as you kill him before that timer then the healers won't come back. Or you could always leave one healer alive etc. Just don't get too distracted by them and focus on the prayer switches and you're golden! good luck homie

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