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Anyone Know When Mayhem Makers Went Offline?

MM Chance

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Hey guys. Grampa reporting in.


I was active in MM for several years, and came back for a bit when OSRS was first released. I finally stopped browsing the forums some time after MM shut down the clan activities.


I noticed a month or two ago that the old website MM-RS.org is offline. I'm just curious, but does anyone have any details on when it went offline or why?


I haven't been active in quite awhile, but it's definitely sad to see it go. I spent almost my entire teenage years on those forums lol.

9 minutes ago, Hope said:

think they have a discord that u can still connect with people in 

Do you happen to know what the address is?

I've been out of the loop so long that I still have never even installed Discord.


What are the clan rivalries, or who's left now? I see FI is still open, I'm assuming TLP closed. EOP still open?


Damn I kinda miss those days.


@MM Chance Danny (MM) and Henry (I Celtic I) still pk, they not pures tho. Tlp and eop closed, fi still open.

Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Tony said:

@MM Chance Danny (MM) and Henry (I Celtic I) still pk, they not pures tho. Tlp and eop closed, fi still open.

Ah yeah, I definitely remember Celtic. Kinda remember Danny as well. I wonder what Speshls or 13th are up to. I think a lot of the guys I remember are probably like me and have already been gone for quite awhile.


Also, your forums are fancy. Whatever ya'll did to revamp them looks really good.


Edit: I still have Ethoxyethaan added on LinkedIn, maybe I'll bug him lol.

Edited by MM Chance

Mm forums shut down back in 2014 I believe when the clan closed. MM defeated fatality in a p2p fullout and there was an ex jmod in fatality that claimed MM cheated in the full out, however fatality had accounts with 30 def+ in their clan. MM took this as an opportunity to leave the pure scene seeing as non of the leadership wanted to stick around in the toxic pure community and decided to close its doors. MM is still active on teamspeak at ts.mm-rs.org but I’ve only seen etho active and some league players. MM is closed and will remain closed until further notice. I don’t see any reason for them to reopen seeing how aids the pure/main community is currently. We have a few ex MM boys in this clan feel free to come on teamspeak sometime we welcome all 1 def master race refugees 

hope that gives u the tl;dr


make yourself at home 


23 minutes ago, Andrew said:

Mm forums shut down back in 2014 I believe when the clan closed. MM defeated fatality in a p2p fullout and there was an ex jmod in fatality that claimed MM cheated in the full out, however fatality had accounts with 30 def+ in their clan. MM took this as an opportunity to leave the pure scene seeing as non of the leadership wanted to stick around in the toxic pure community and decided to close its doors. MM is still active on teamspeak at ts.mm-rs.org but I’ve only seen etho active and some league players. MM is closed and will remain closed until further notice. I don’t see any reason for them to reopen seeing how aids the pure/main community is currently. We have a few ex MM boys in this clan feel free to come on teamspeak sometime we welcome all 1 def master race refugees 

hope that gives u the tl;dr


make yourself at home 



1 hour ago, Andrew said:

Mm forums shut down back in 2014 I believe when the clan closed. MM defeated fatality in a p2p fullout and there was an ex jmod in fatality that claimed MM cheated in the full out, however fatality had accounts with 30 def+ in their clan. MM took this as an opportunity to leave the pure scene seeing as non of the leadership wanted to stick around in the toxic pure community and decided to close its doors. MM is still active on teamspeak at ts.mm-rs.org but I’ve only seen etho active and some league players. MM is closed and will remain closed until further notice. I don’t see any reason for them to reopen seeing how aids the pure/main community is currently. We have a few ex MM boys in this clan feel free to come on teamspeak sometime we welcome all 1 def master race refugees 

hope that gives u the tl;dr


make yourself at home 


Thank you very much for the info. 


I think my Runescape days are behind me, but I do miss the clan wars sometimes. We definitely had some real good fights against you guys, just nostalgic and things I look back very fondly on.


Glad to see the FI hate train is still alive 7 years later lol.

1 hour ago, MM Chance said:

Thank you very much for the info. 


I think my Runescape days are behind me, but I do miss the clan wars sometimes. We definitely had some real good fights against you guys, just nostalgic and things I look back very fondly on.


Glad to see the FI hate train is still alive 7 years later lol.

Aye man if u wanna hop in on the action put that app up. It’s just as toxic as ever and twice as much fun clapping 29 def cheeks

h4rd to find

TLP 4 Life they never die 😞


mm forums was up until a year or a few months ago, i think etho closed em for good because of dispute with someone. He was the one paying for it as far as i know

there's two mm discords currently. the bigger one is made by rang3r elmo, but he has turned in to a sjw pussy so i've been kicked from it for saying "n*gger" or some shit like a year ago. i can link you the nsfw-mm discord here https://discord.gg/KKDk5m

there's plenty of people who are in both discords so you can probably get an invite

and i think 13th hangs out in the elmo discord, but i dunno about speshls

11 hours ago, orgasms said:

yea wish they didnt close more clans to fight


8 hours ago, b3eplyy said:

mm forums was up until a year or a few months ago, i think etho closed em for good because of dispute with someone. He was the one paying for it as far as i know

there's two mm discords currently. the bigger one is made by rang3r elmo, but he has turned in to a sjw pussy so i've been kicked from it for saying "n*gger" or some shit like a year ago. i can link you the nsfw-mm discord here https://discord.gg/KKDk5m

there's plenty of people who are in both discords so you can probably get an invite

and i think 13th hangs out in the elmo discord, but i dunno about speshls

Thank you for the link!


Yeah, Etho really went above and beyond to support our forums, both technically and financially. We were supposed to get revenue off of advertisements on the forums but I don't think it was always enough to cover the costs.


I remember he'd always get mad at us when NSFW stuff was posted or certain swear filters navigated around, because it'd affect which advertisers would stay with us. We definitely relied on him a lot, probably wore him down a bit too much honestly.

8 hours ago, Utc said:

gf mm

gf FOE. Our fullouts and run ins were always my favorite.


maybe was pointless to pay the host and keep purchasing domain for clan forums that's been dead for 10 years

22 hours ago, Fake Smile said:

maybe was pointless to pay the host and keep purchasing domain for clan forums that's been dead for 10 years


On 10/1/2020 at 3:58 AM, MM Chance said:

Thank you very much for the info. 


I think my Runescape days are behind me, but I do miss the clan wars sometimes. We definitely had some real good fights against you guys, just nostalgic and things I look back very fondly on.


Glad to see the FI hate train is still alive 7 years later lol.

ethoxy shut down the forums completely a few months ago. i was mm 2007-2010ish.

  • 6 months later...

Good old days. How is clanning in corona21?

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