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I ItalyPK I

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I ItalyPK I

well i'm I ItalyPk I and these are my stats:

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This is (or was?) a Corrupt pure but i'm getting bored, should i upgrade it? And if i upgrade it should i get 50 or 60 atk? and what quest should i do for attack xp?

Please help me ;)


PS: Soz for my english, for italian is freaking difficult to learn :P

I ItalyPK I

lol 50% of pures have it, i tank u


2 def doesnt matter its still a pure. I would recommend you getting 50 attk first play around with that until you get bored then get 60 or 75 etc if you have the cash for a gs. You should do waterfall quest tree gnome grand tree for attk xp.


50 attack, then when gmaul/range pure pkin makes you puke get 60

I ItalyPK I

ty for help :)

watch me tb

how did u get 2 def

I ItalyPK I

got corrupt vesta's spear from drop and tried it -.- what a noob lmao


40+ def 60 attack high other stats


50 if u want to be maul pure, 60 if u want dds pure but u will have to do more quests, but i go wif maul pures. about atk exp quests id use foe guides under quests and exp for pures.

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