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I ain't NEVER speaking in CC again.

Top Smoker

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Can you believe I've played this game for 12 days and I've received two in-game mutes already?


This time it gets better. Someone in our cc reported me for saying cringe fucking ping and lagg in this world and I got muted for three days.


Fuck y'all lol

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I've said nigger probably 600,000 times since 2015 and I've not received a single mute.


Also, looks like you've misunderstood. The only things said in the clan chat are the ones that have [clan] before what's written. What you said was in-game and not in the clan chat.

Edited by Cxdy
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Holy fuck im sorry brother... Tbh I bet it was that nidoran fuck alot of other ppl come in our cc from diff clans an try to fuck us over ie: you getting muted.... I can be certain it was someone else from a diff clan

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25 minutes ago, Cxdy said:

I've said nigger probably 600,000 times since 2015 and I've not received a single mute.


Also, looks like you've misunderstood. The only things said in the clan chat are the ones that have [clan] before what's written. What you said was in-game and not in the clan chat.

Oh damn, didn't know that. Wondered why mine didn't say [clan] But I thought it didn't say it due to it being my account if that makes sence.


Still its pathetic! Muted for that?! What a fuckin JOKE

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At least it says appealable. I’d just say fucking is not a banned word and it was in reference to the lag and response time in the game, not directed to or referencing any person specifically.

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11 hours ago, Top Smoker said:

Can you believe I've played this game for 12 days and I've received two in-game mutes already?


This time it gets better. Someone in our cc reported me for saying cringe fucking ping and lagg in this world and I got muted for three days.


Fuck y'all lol

so lame man

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