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SS Pure?


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Im currently working on my new pure atm i was thinking of being an SS Pure..and idk if its worth it or not..does Ss hit high? spec good?

Im a lazy person so i dont wanna quest....Ss Pure or should just have 60att? Ss=Sara sword for those of u who dont know

I dont know about whip that shit raise ur attack beastly...My question to you

70att for ss worth it?

Does SS fail?


SS sure does fail. Only few survived WW2.


Would never do it because +1 worlds are just shit tbh.


i'd probs get 75 att, or pk with whip for a bit till you get 75 >.> ss never rele been a great wep lol


I got it on my older pure. Didn't like it much. Don't go past 60 attack.


I say don't go past 60 attack inless you're getting 75 for ags.

Ss sucks hairy balls.


SS sure does fail. Only few survived WW2.

Fucking boss.


I say don't go past 60 attack inless you're getting 75 for ags.


I thort they like to b called gs puures or whippas?


stay 60 attack until you make a nice big bank


SS sure does fail. Only few survived WW2.

Sieg Heil for that one.


If you pk in +1 you're an automatic lame.


Don't listen to all the haters man, SS isn't THAT bad. I wreck d scim clawers all the time, so what if they got like 5 strength levels more? I'm lvl 75 and hit constant 350s and hit above 300 quite frequently. Considering a lot of foe people pk in +1, It makes me think why people say +1 sucks, sure go pk in reg BH worlds and take an hour to find an opponent. You always have the option of going 75 attack, which was always my intentions. As long as you have high 80s to 90 strength and you're using Sara sword, it's not bad at all. It doesn't fluctuate in price often and you can just sell it when you need to.

Go for it man, if you have intentions of eventually getting a AGS, then why not? Once you're 70 attack you can also whip zam book + claw combo, if you don't mind risking a bit of loot in +1.

Anyways, it's not bad man, don't get let down because people don't like SS, it's a great weapon and if you're a skilled PKER, you can fuck shit up.


Never died to SS pure.

They shit

ss gmaul combo would fuck u tho


Lmao, dumb ass too lazy to quest so your considering buying an ss just to not quest? The spec is SHIT u still need dds, and dscim imo is better than ss for the fact that ss fails. Might aswell get whip and dds, + u need dt as a pure or u fail so quest.

im a fat kid

ss owns with good str.

at0mic skill

Never died to SS pure.

They shit

that's because you dont pk. :whistle:


Lol SS Pure. Everyone keeps making up more types of pures its funny actually.

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