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Love is strange, not something im out looking for at 18.

i thought i was in love before, but i got too into it at a young age and things didn't work out. i wouldn't suggest seriously dating until you reach college, even then have fun and get out there

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Love is strange, not something im out looking for at 18.

i thought i was in love before, but i got too into it at a young age and things didn't work out. i wouldn't suggest seriously dating until you reach college, even then have fun and get out there

I fell in love i think. I have been dating my gf for 2 years now and things actually go well. Even though she is a senior and im a sophomore

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can change u totally, n usually leaves u bitter once its gone, waste of time if u ask me

Play rs when ur bitter and go fuck a girl and the bitter is all gone :P. Its fun while it last imo

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but....not much. at my job ( i work for a hospital ) i've seen two reps cheats on their husbands.

i'm only 20 years old. so fuck love lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

didn't see there was already a topic for this.. hahahhaha

here's my answer

True Love - Love is any of a number of emotions related to a sense of strong affection

but how can one truly 'feel love', it was once said 'love it blind' and 'love does not judge' but how can those statements be true IF everything we do as a conscious living human being is controlled by 'MOTIVE'..

keep up with me here..

EVERYTHING we do is controlled my MOTIVE weather subconscious or not.. think about it, breathing [subconscious motive, way of telling yourself to keep living]

Eating [so on and so forth]

so my argument to YOU foe, is this..

how can love exist when there is OBVIOUSLY motive behind it? weather its to 'get laid' or the want to "not die alone".. there is always a motive, thus disproving LOVE..

So, who's willing to stand up and fight for LOVE

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Gareth l Rare

Its a feeling that can make you lay in bed for days on end without moving and you dont no why but you just got 1 person running through your mind.

Can make you look at life in a hole new aspect and yet crush you like a bug.

Its an amazing feeling buuuuut its a lot of hassle and trouble.

EVERYTHING we do is controlled my MOTIVE weather subconscious or not.. think about it, breathing [subconscious motive, way of telling yourself to keep living]

Eating [so on and so forth]

Interesting theory

Yes many people seek out love because they don't want to lie alone, because their friends/associates have found some one and they feel compelled to do the same but some people just bump in to some one (not like that movie fantasy ballshit though :shifty: and it just happens. I think its all about personality in which it affects most.

Could talk about this all day but ill just leave it at that (let you ponder the different possibilities)


never been in love - therefore it doesnt exist!! :@

You will when the time is right and worst of all you wont even no you have until its too late  :ph43r:
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It leads to depression and bullshit.

I'd rather be a manwhore until I'm like 40. Then worry about "settling down" when I run outta man-juice.

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