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Sawcats Pk Vid 1


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I'll keep this short and simple; I had a shit ton of clips from before Sawcats got hacked, and a shit ton more that I got off of an account a good friend in Epidemic gave me, who I named Sawkittens. I decided to try my hand at making a PK video ( o.o ). I used camtasia to do all of my editing and recording, and this is my first time making somthing thats more than just 1 or 2 clips shoved together and some music crammed in to make it sound nice.

The two accounts I use in this vid are very similar:
Sawcats (before he was hacked for defence):

And Sawkittens:

As this is my first vid, I tried to make it diverse, as oposed to making it almost all edge or all varrock; You will find clips from all over runescape
-Rock Lobs
-Varrock bank / yews / center

Without further ado:

Please comment / rate / subscribe, I want your opinions!


very nice hits with one of those clips wasted half his inv without him hitting you  :)

hope to see second vid and nice title "king of the jungle" sounds awesome


Decent mate.


Good pixels , dont like the music


nice one, music was weird though.


owch no mention.  Sorry intro didn't come out too well.

Vid coulda been editted more but I liked the hybridding clips.

I ItalyPK I

rushing with pray on and a few misclick, 4/5

Guest Emote|Muse

termons was better


5/5 I love you LOLERCATS. On that tlp kid, when he speced ags he disapeared wtf!?


Cool vid. Thought I was the only one that went hunting people at bandits on bonus xp weekend lol

madly hybrid

nice video m8, really enjoyed it.


Nice vid

No special edits =/ like vids more when they have epic edits.

And btw why it's not on foetube??


good job broski :D

i enjoyed 5/5


I half expected to hear lion king music.... rofl. I'll watch this when Youtube stops being gay to me


Where is my call out?

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