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Russia Bows 2nd p2p pk vid

Russia Bows

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Not the best of editing but who cares, I'm tired of seeing PK videos with way too much editing, it was a PK video and you showed us you pking, so good job. Improved alot from your first video, alot nicer KO's + Combos and I thought it was overall pretty good for a second video. Well subscribed anyway, so hope to see more videos in the future.

Rated 5/5. Hopefully for your next vid you get a better editor will make it better if you know what i mean. It was enjoyable though, We should brid varrock sometime we are the same combat.
madly hybrid

hmmm was ight. 4/5


Chill vid. Much better than your first. Gj  :nice:

I ItalyPK I

not bad, just improve ur swaps (and the spec bar, u do a lot of misclick and sometime u put spec on and then u eat, so attack doesn't start) Anyway 4/5


Better than the first, can't wait for the next one.


i don't normally enjoy low level pk vids...but that was quite enjoyable, good job

Be Too Eazy

I like tbh, besides the editing. But not everyone has top notch editing. Good job :)

Russia Bows

lmao ima so proud now >.<


try using sony vegass :) 4/5 for this time

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