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Camtasia ftw bro ;)


Alright thanks guys ^^ Ima try to pk a bit tmw, fun having mah main back.


ags ftw r0fl

I got enough (almost) clips with ma baby ags. Must get claw, dds, whip, brid clips :(


I use hypercam it isn't shit quality if you change the settings.


tried pking on a main first time last week around that cb

no point, gl with vid but idk how you can get any kills at that cb


Its easy bro when you pk in shit def bonus. Just let veng do work and spec. And yeah i risk either when i use d scim or barrows gloves when i straight ags.


use camtasia much better then Hypercam.


Camtasia, and dont use 2 much ags in vids :p


ima use hypercam too -,-


Look up render settings, I use Hypercam 2 because Camtasia lags me too hard and I get good quality on YouTube. If you really need it I will take a picture of my render settings and post it, but I would also change the music other than something other than Wayne trying to sing, lmfao.


I have prety good Hypercam Quality, but I edit in Camtasia


Look up render settings, I use Hypercam 2 because Camtasia lags me too hard and I get good quality on YouTube. If you really need it I will take a picture of my render settings and post it, but I would also change the music other than something other than Wayne trying to sing, lmfao.

Yes please :)

And about wayne, it's all there was on my laptop at the time. ;p, I gots better music on my iTouch so I'll be using some hendrix or some chill music. Dunno yet.


Look up render settings, I use Hypercam 2 because Camtasia lags me too hard and I get good quality on YouTube. If you really need it I will take a picture of my render settings and post it, but I would also change the music other than something other than Wayne trying to sing, lmfao.

Yes please :)

And about wayne, it's all there was on my laptop at the time. ;p, I gots better music on my iTouch so I'll be using some hendrix or some chill music. Dunno yet.

I use Sony Vegas 7, I bet the others are basically the same. Heres my render settings:

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Hope that helps.

My YouTube channel if you want to check out the quality: http://www.youtube.com/user/BucketPker?feature=mhw4


ags ftw r0fl

I got enough (almost) clips with ma baby ags. Must get brid clips :(


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