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50 attack on a pure i intend on using mainly too f2p p2k


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Well currently im rebuilding an old account i found the pass too ive got it at 40 attack 77 str 80 range 95 magic 11 pray (dt not done yet cuz i hate skilling lol.) anyways ive been using the combat calc and untill i hit 97 str im mage based..if i stay 40 attack id be capped at 70-71 cb(13 pray) but have too stop at 95 range and my original plan was getting 99 magic range str with 40 attack but if im going too end up getting 50 after i get the range should I just get it now as the xp per hour extra would probably add up w the granite hammer compared too the brine sabre...also does anyone know if i can get access too experiments without actually completing restless ghost?(only obtaining the ghost speak amulet) i've been doing rock crabs cuz honestly cant b bothered too fight for a spot at sand crabs lol. thanks for any input (max cb w 99 range would be 73.8-74) also if anybodys trained w the granite hammer how much is it actually better then a brine sabre


Gl 50 att a special breed😎

37 minutes ago, im all inn said:

Gl 50 att a special breed😎

thanks brudda but u think its worth the 3 extra cb for the 99 range or should i just get 95 and stay at 70-71..?I feel like the granite hammer would speed training up atleast an extra 5k an hour..plus hittin on rune at 40 attack is retardedddd asf lmao.

Paid Peanuts

gl on the build buddy


GL with your goals


bro I never have a hard time finding a sand crab spot. Pay the 10k and go to the island to the 4 crab spot lol


appreciate all the replies think ima actually stay 40 att cuz instead of the 3 cb levelsid gain i could get 1 and a half n get 31 prayer, and ima check that spot out idc ab gp honestly never tried it cuz i jus hurd mad people there hoping to go from 80-90 str over the weekend


Yo crispy..if ur going to be f2pin mostly on it then keep 40 attack but if ur getting 99 range n mage I don't think the 50 attack will even gain any cb lvls idk u gotta check I'm making a 50 attacker 99 everything atm as well 


U need to do creature of fenkenstrain to kill experiments fam

3 hours ago, ceZa said:

U need to do creature of fenkenstrain to kill experiments fam

Just need to start it till where u enter expiraments don't have to finish it unless they did a dumb ass update..but like e ery1 said u can afk at sand crabs 


appreciate all the replies think ima actually stay 40 att cuz instead of the 3 cb levelsid gain i could get 1 and a half n get 31 prayer, and ima check that spot out idc ab gp honestly never tried it cuz i jus hurd mad people there hoping to go from 90 str by weds or so been busy gona go check sand crabs in a bit cuz im starting too 2 hit rock crabs lol. and i know you have to start creature of frenk but not complete unless like dude said before if they patched it but yeah once i max im prob just gona stay f2p, the only reasons id be going for 50 attack is too speed up training for 99 str and if i get 99 range im pretty sure ill be the same combat im bouta check the combat calc now 


iight so if ima get 99 magic and range id be maxed at 75 cb.. with 50 attack, if i do 95 range n magic 99 str 40 attack ill be 73 cb..do you guys think the ten attack levels will be worth it?or should i just keep my magic 95 get range too 95 and keep the combat at 73?i just feel like training will go much faster w the granite hammer and the 50 attack would definintely help hit through rune more often.. has anybody used the granite hammer compared too brine sabre and seen how much of a diff per hour it is?


On 4/2/2021 at 6:40 PM, Rob said:

99 att 25 def is p cool tbh

was considering doing a 13 def build if i stayed 1 pray but since im only gona b using it f2p max id do is 20, or i was considering 40 att 99 str 40 def 31 pray but my main focus is getting too 99 str asap 

12 hours ago, X WE ARE138 said:

Yo crispy..if ur going to be f2pin mostly on it then keep 40 attack but if ur getting 99 range n mage I don't think the 50 attack will even gain any cb lvls idk u gotta check I'm making a 50 attacker 99 everything atm as well 

yeah if i max it wont affect combat level if i stay 95 range n magic ill b at like 73 cb , u think its worth the 2 cb levels too be able too max and do u have any experience as far as how much better the granite hammer would be compared to brine sabre?

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