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Saturday, May 15th 2021, Final Ownage Elite peaked at 43 and kicked off the action with a 2v2 clan wars fight with Sup, Apex and Zenith. Winning by over 40 kills in the FT 100 match, FOE took the dub with ease and we set off into the wildy. 

We set up a 1v1 with Zenith afterwards and waited in a dd at 18 ports for their hit. They hit from the south and the fight commenced on the portal 30v32. We pushed them off the port and onto the hill by pond, picking off stragglers one by one as they dipped south. after dropping 12 opts to our 3, Apex hit the fight and we switched our focus. We immediately sat on them with scims until they retreated back to 18 ports. Mains came and hit he fight shortly afterwards so we took the W and peaced out. We're getting used to these 2v1 fights and they couldn't have gone any better.



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