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Wilderness Changes.

Go Hard

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A lot of information, a bit too much if you ask me but there is are quite some changes.




I might have missed some pointers but here are some if you cba to read up.

  • Revs rework that will hopefully bring some group pking back.
  • Loot keys to loot kills.
  • Defence requirement removed from God Dhide vambs and chaps.
  • Adjustments to Xerician Robes and Dragonhide, also Dinhs Bulwark changes.
  • Some changes for luring and skulltricking.
  • Single-plus areas; this means that PvP will always take priority, so if a player is in a fight with a monster, they can be attacked by another player. In all other aspects, the old single-way combat mechanics would still apply.
  • PJ timer; this will mean that players have a grace period in which they cannot be attacked by other players if they’re still fresh from an encounter.


There is more information in there; if interested the link can be found above. 


What do you think about these "changes"?

Daddy stink

Lets see what happens


As such, we’ll be removing the Defence requirement needed to equip both Blessed D’hide Chaps and Vambraces to match that of their Black D’hide equivalent.


hmmm i hope they do something cool with revs... an add some more pk content but im liking that they are finally addressing pvp 


I think it’s another really cool story by jagex which they will most likely fuck up.


Sickkk only thing worth or I care about is I can hit anyone off any monster no1s getting saved!!!!

Nearly Godz

If they make a part of revs multi again which I doubt, it could bring some activity. Other than that not too interesting imo.


I like most of the changes, but my favorite would be the God D'hide chaps/vambs change! Would be so sick to get those for 1 def accounts


Seems like small but good changes.


I mostly want them to nerf maul, tbh. 

Out Of Ctrl

Absolutely horrible updates for PvP. 

No wonder the game is dying


Can't wait to see if this fucks things up. Can always count on Jagex to ruin anything related to the wildy/pking!


Not a single update made to address multi wilderness except restricting the ability to hit people in multi from singles, from what I understand 


so they want to kill skulltricking so pvmers dont lose more than intended.


Then dont bring more than 3 items to wildy if youre fucking scared and dumb. fuck jagex


Update by update jagex continues to kill the game, rip

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