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A quick question


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This morning I got up, had a shower, had some breakfast, etc. Everything was fine, then about 5 minutes into my 20 minute walk to the train station I got a pain in my left testical, as though I had recently received a swift kick to it. This continued through-out my walk and a few minutes on my train.

My day went as normal, with a few pains (When I pulled my boxers down to piss, sitting to quickly, etc), then I got home today and it kicked in soon as I sat down, its been hurting for about 2 hours now.

Anyone else had anything like this?

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If you go too long without wanking/fucking your nuts start to hurt. That's the only thing I can think of.

Not sure if you were being serious or making fun of my post from a few days ago.

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watch me tb

is it like blue balls? id say go to a doctor if it keeps up, you definitely dont want anything going wrong down there.

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I've had this before, a day where one of my nuts just felt like it'd been kicked, maybe you slept on it during the night or something, can happen if you roll over onto your front during the night, can't think of any proper explanation for it other than that, i doubt it's anything more than that.

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Have you had sex? after about 1 hour after sex your balls are sore and hurt for a day or 2 :/ Gl Get some bengay.

Rofl no they don't, if that's the case for you, you've got a problem.
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It hurt like a motherfucker at lunch in college, I went to the bogs to check it and its heavily bruised and has swollen up like a fucking grapefruit.

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severed arow

well to who ever said hemeroids ...no

it should be fine if your still going through pubity maybe its something to do with that? It might be worth it getting checked out to make sure its not something bad and just to settle your mind the doctor will probably say its nothing though.

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