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Has been some time!

Pkz Zammy

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Wow, it seems like only yesterday I quit, Foe's still the same as it was 10 months ago. I'd thought about starting again, my friends had offered me things to restart, but that didn't help. Rs just isn't the same as it once was. I struggled to quit when the wilderness was taken away but I couldn't, BH and PVP were too enjoyable day to day.

Anyway, back to the point. I've just come online to say hi to everyone from a while ago who i didn't have chance to say bye to. I hate to say this, but it's been so long that i've forgotten who i was close to, only a few people are a weak thought left in my mind.

Whilst coming online, I decided to check up on my videos; one of which is nearing the 100,000 view mark. Soon enough all three will have a 300,000 view total; my RS dream since I started the game.

Video one:

Video two:

Video three:

Please watch all three, positive feedback could result in a fourth video, a compilation of some sort maybe.

Thank you all :)  :wub: x

madly hybrid

nice videos bro :)


hey pkz zammy:) remember me?


100 more views till 100k on the first <3

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