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Pure Clanning

john keds

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Hi Everyone


I was involved in pure clanning years back on rs2, and some pservers like battlscape. Ive recently gotten back into runescape and am building a new pure on oldschool.


I see the weekend trip videos and it looks like pure clanning is still alive. Do yall still have a p2p and f2p trip every weekend, and what are some of the other pure clans active right now?




Welcome back to the game


We are doing Sunday p2p trips, because f2p is pretty slow nowadays unfortunately.. We did just have a f2p prep tho.

 But the clans around rn are Foe, apex, zenith, fi, bp, rage, and prob a few others 


Welcome. We only go out on Sundays(P2P) atm cause f2p is just a waste cause of mains. And yes there's several other pure clans that's active and gives us competition: Apex, Rage, Zenith, FI, BP, Ly to mention some of them! 

6 hours ago, Rainz said:

wassip lad



Id like to join FOE and get involved in the weekend trips. Looks like according to the new rules I need to max out my account first. 


Ardamax hacker xddd

8 hours ago, john keds said:

Id like to join FOE and get involved in the weekend trips. Looks like according to the new rules I need to max out my account first. 

yeah bud, max your account, tbh with rs now days it doesn't take long to max an account, a lot easier than rs2 


On 11/28/2021 at 4:23 PM, K2P said:

sup john, which clans were you a part of on rs2 and bscape?



Lithuania 🙂


Jagex mod Hit99 U Di3

On 11/28/2021 at 3:47 PM, john keds said:

Id like to join FOE and get involved in the weekend trips. Looks like according to the new rules I need to max out my account first. 

why do you type like a robot lmfao. 


I was member of LF ( Lithuanian force ) 'As Ant Taves' 2008-09, happy? xd


Nothing? Clear/clean? xd

On 12/2/2021 at 11:43 AM, Divine said:

why do you type like a robot lmfao. 

Because im not a redneck uneducated window washer like you, polish asshat

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