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My stats, what to do next!!?!?!?


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So i know i need range/mage up probably but im undecided on my attack level. i'd like 60 so i can use claws lol :P buuut i love maul too!

heeelp me


I would go 60 attack personally... But it's up to you. You gotta work on that ranged and magic level though... makes the account look bad.


maxed out 50 att 13 pray with like 85ish hp ;p

madly hybrid

99 str/99mage/99hp/2def


Addy gloves done? I think. Get like.. 13 Prayer, well.. do DT, Animal Magnetism.. etc. Idk though if to stay 50 Attack or get 60? :s


60 mage 80 range maybe 13 pray?


90range 80hp 1pray 1def 82mage atleast

or quit rs.


Bot 99 range and mage like you did strength and bot 99 hunter for money and then bot 99 mining and wcing and then slayer and then runecrafting and then slayer and then construction and then agility and then smithing and then herblore and then attack and then defence and then prayer and then sailing and then pk.


nice botted acc.

Some people actuallly do Soul Wars legit lol.


Bot 99 range and mage like you did strength and bot 99 hunter for money and then bot 99 mining and wcing and then slayer and then runecrafting and then slayer and then construction and then agility and then smithing and then herblore and then attack and then defence and then prayer and then sailing and then pk.

I lol'd pretty hard

no way u sw'ed str :P haha nice though..

high alch for mage, and for range get 80 from rock crabs or fire giants, then sw it and then sw your hp..

on your attack, get 60 will help alot, insted of using brine sabre or w/e u can use d scim claws stuff like that.. :)

goodluck thoo

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