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With nex out and using curses do you guys think / want curses to come back into the game?


Imo i want them back, was such a good time back in the day and with todays game i think it would work well 



would make my range tank stupid strong


I think there's already too much damage in the game for pvp.

Also soulsplit would ruin PvM.


jagex said on a livestream they wanna introduce new prayers but that it wont be turm or soul split


so i'm guessing we'll get a similar slightly downgraded version sometime in the future


Wont happen. Jagex already have a difficult time balancing the scales. New prayers will not be good for the game. If you have played all eras; you know the game doesn't need any of that shit, how fun it was, bringing that into the game will ruin everything that OSRS stands for.


I'm just praying whatever new prayers are released... You need 35 def in order to get 😎


Even if they add them, will probably not be usable on pures. They already fucked us with the other new prayers that were previously 1 def

3 hours ago, zl8l said:

jagex said on a livestream they wanna introduce new prayers but that it wont be turm or soul split


so i'm guessing we'll get a similar slightly downgraded version sometime in the future

oh really, tbh what is would be added  into todays prays other than healing or leeches prayers, i dont see room for much else 

2 hours ago, Colin said:

Even if they add them, will probably not be usable on pures. They already fucked us with the other new prayers that were previously 1 def

would probably add a quest which gives def xp 

3 hours ago, Gerald said:

I'm just praying whatever new prayers are released... You need 35 def in order to get 😎

addy daddy 


Fuck no lol thats what ruined the last game...ahhhh u know what the game is already fucked

2 hours ago, Jonah said:

will need to consult the Magic 8-Ball



If you bring curses out you need to introduce soaking as well, or people will take too much damage w/ all the new items that are in game.


just because nex is in the game doesnt warrant curses. too many moving parts, probably best without 


watch them bring it back and add a def req like rigour and augury 

4 hours ago, Rob said:

If you bring curses out you need to introduce soaking as well, or people will take too much damage w/ all the new items that are in game.

Ultimately it makes mains even more OP on weekend trips, which only fucks us over 


i only like it for how fun it was, i know there op and wouldn't come to the game, just that era was so damn fun 

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