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To My Slime Gerald


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Special Shoutout to the man himself @Geraldthe man himself is going to the DONDA 2 PREMIERE IN MIAMI TONIGHT shit bout to be a movie for real for real enjoy it cuzzo live it up n record that new lean track for me 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳



this drain shit bout to be a movie the foe #meetup this clan wish they had watch and learn my gangsters it’s the 2022 drain games 

Edited by nolifeleft
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Man hip hop is fucking garbage now a days huh..that wasnt even hip hop idk wtf that even was..whatever that was the 30 seconds of him calling himself a god made me wanna fucking hang myself how tf do u listen to that not even trying to talk shit or be angry but that just made me mad for no reason i wanna go slice my ears off so i can nevee hear anything ever again just so ill never hear that dumbass call himself a god over n over 

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