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Eminem - Relapse

Go Dj 911

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Well honestly I'm not a big rap guy but when Eminem comes out with his first album in years the only question I ask is how much. Unquestionably the best rapper alive and hopefully he still has it. Everyone should go out and buy this album because its gonna be amazing and its gonna smash some records.

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Im going to buy it but honestly i think he is only releasing because he has little money now, when is Dre's album out too?

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To be honest he should have quit.

He used to rap about being retired when he was 30, his new songs aren't great to be honest. He's obviously running out of material and should've just quit while he was ahead.

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Its not bad tbh, a lot of ones that remind of what he used to be like with "curtian call" and all tht.

Gj Marshall.

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Tbh I like his new music videos because it shows him as how he is.

I also like it because he was down and out for awhile due to his best friend dying and overeating to the point where he had to go see someone.

I don't know what happened to his voice or if he's doing it on purpose, but his flow is still awesome and the way he gestures his hands and arms make's it all seem so real and put together nicely. :)

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Honestly I wasn't impressed with the album. I was like NICEEE SHIT!!! when i heard about it but then like i just listened to it all and it's not very good at all. besides the 2 songs that've already been out because there singles there's only like 2-3 other good songs on that album tops. His old stuff is like 3/4 of the songs were amazing. This one it's eh.

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Im going to buy it but honestly i think he is only releasing because he has little money now, when is Dre's album out too?

Eminem is set for life bud. Money will be of no concern to him. + if he need's money he has Dre and 50 lol.

But I don't like rap much no more. But MM is always cool :P

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  • 1 month later...

Mwah, I don't like this album very much. There are like 2-3 good songs on it, but i loved the old Eminem :wub:

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To he completely honest... not gonna sugar coat it... he fell off and sucks now. He was good when he first started up to the eminem show. everything after that kinda failed

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