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I’m not joining the clan. Way to toxic of a community. Literally just a bunch of internet gangsters with little man syndrome who feel the need to prove how “tough” they’re over discord and ts3. I ain’t got time for people like that I was trying to find a clan with community and respect for one another.. Not a clan with a bunch of children talking shit to everyone over anything. Shits a mess. Y’all need to grow up a bit and maybe get punched in the mouth a few times so you can realize you’re not shit. This doesn’t go for every single person I’ve encountered tho I did meet a handful of good people and to them I’m very sorry you have to deal with these bums lol. Hope it works out for the few people that aren’t total D bags.


this is weird behavior im ngl to u my brother george


this is weird behavior im ngl to u my brother george


Did you really break in 24 hours lol


Awe ignore the new kids man thats going to be anywhere/everywhere u go bro theres going to be that small group of immature young kids that will never be loyal to even there own parents that are prob already leaking themselves that are going to talk shit/point fingers to advoid attention to themselves 


Alot of times members "talk shit" to eachother to get them going/hype them up and start a fuel to the fire of pking harder/returning faster,anger can also fuel a great focus for KOing/fiend for those kills to show ur better at pking then ur fellow brothers(: ull find ur place within the clan ull find the members u get along with the most just bc u bump heads with a few kids doesnt mean u should judge the clan as a whole


Litterly not met one single toxic person IN this clan. Guests, hell yeah. Members or staff? hell no.

Guess you're the problem here if this is the case

22 hours ago, Jonah said:



@lol thoughts?



Y’all need to grow up a bit and maybe get punched in the mouth a few times so you can realize you’re not shit.

Fake Smile

I don't know who you are but you seem to think a bit too big of yourself and want some kind of special treatment. If you haven't found out there will be different people anywhere you go, you haven't seen much in life. Good luck joining someone that will kiss your ass and start pushing you around once you join them. You will find someone to disagree with in every clan and will surely find an excuse why you don't like their community anymore. Inb4 you quit the scene telling everyone how bad the pure community is while in reality you're just being difficult and want extra attention. Otherwise you wouldn't make such topics. Good luck nonetheless.

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