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Late Sunday Small Pk Trip. OFA cleared

Fake Smile

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was fun as fuck, been having sick midweeks/small trips lately


Nice pov and gj vidding.


Itz fake vs the whole clan haha dam homie took every1 out lol foe quality pkin from every1 in that vid it rlyshows..


rage n fi are dog shit lolol rage is  irrelevant af idk y i even brought them up tbh...i guess is bc there so bad im still confused that there really still clan y bother anymore..shit atleast i woulda gave up months ago knowing how bad they are.. and fi needs to pull there dicks off there forheads..or is it just there foreheads pressed up to the really weird homosexual dick pics attached to weird cartoon characters n shit..(yes they all had dicks it was very homo indeed)in there discord LMFAO man fuck wish i was actually joking honestly thats the saddest worst part i had to scould my brain and flash bang my eyes in bleach to what these strange cats prob send ea other daily...it was like 4 days straight of em sending dick pics of cartoon characters gettin fucked in the ass before i decided to shut my computer down for a few months n take break with clanning and just rs in general how many sick fucks u think r playin this shit when fi small irrelevent clan n seen atleast the whole rank team sending that shit..i think godrage kid was the only normal 1 no joke..i think he was the only rank that didnt partake in the "fi cartoon dick pic fiesta" he is there only good pker thats y i spec u out everytime as soon as i see u bro no hard feelings just cant have u there cause u might actually do somethibg besides make fake spams at bank bc i had beef wit foe members at the time cause i ran my mouth all wasted just like im doing now and sure as fuck knew i wasnt into cartoon porn ill tell u that my shit couldnt get up lolol


Well shit i have no fuckin.clue if any of that made any sense no way in fuck im reading anytjint i just wrote if u did i feel bad for u loser lol u might as well go jerk off to fis discord ha ok im done..that was my weekly writing and spelling for the week so i dont forget how to read or write ty foe forums for being there for me for past 20 years...haha now im the loser.. if i didnt make u giggle just a lil i sure did the whole time writing how gay fi was lol




 ofa seems chill havent fought em yet 


pure on pure action? no way... 😮 

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