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Xenos Str- Pk Video 16 - Low Level Hybriding - 24m Risk

xenos str

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I ItalyPK I

lmao italy :L

Its nice to of wasted all your food on a tank to finally kill them and get frozen by someone 15 levels higher right after and not have a tab while in 24m gear :)

Its alright as a pure, couple of hundred k risk?

man if u say 24M risk it means that if u die u lose 24M, as u carry tabs u r not risking. That's all, nice vid but tabs aren't for pking


So if i were to get attacked by a lvl 116 hybrid which i frequently am with turmoil and max gear, after a fight where i have minimal food itd be fair too lose 24m to them.

Also a little thing, if im after someone whos also risking a lot, its just a little tool which i use to bluff that i have food, because as soon as they start running they dont fight back in most cases, but i have the tab encase they outlast me, even if i were to stay until i had no food.

But naturally a g maul pure, whos probabaly 60ish combat, allready setting goals to max out, knows best.


was quite good. expected better though for soem reason.

constructive cirtisism though, so room for improvement with more vareity like drags n stuff.


Yeah i was gonna go for variety, tried out different things, hybriding with veracs and dharoks, im simply not that good for that sort of stuff yet :L

But yeah next vid will have more locations :)

I ItalyPK I

So if i were to get attacked by a lvl 116 hybrid which i frequently am with turmoil and max gear, after a fight where i have minimal food itd be fair too lose 24m to them.

Also a little thing, if im after someone whos also risking a lot, its just a little tool which i use to bluff that i have food, because as soon as they start running they dont fight back in most cases, but i have the tab encase they outlast me, even if i were to stay until i had no food.

But naturally a g maul pure, whos probabaly 60ish combat, allready setting goals to max out, knows best.

man i just said that if u have tabs u can't say 24M risk, that's all. Don't be so rude, peace and love


Not being rude, i just think you know nothing about how i pk. Main pking and pure pking are 2 completely different things.


wasn't good really, pray drops, pot to barrage, 99% ragger kills with dharoks is very easy.

So if i were to get attacked by a lvl 116 hybrid which i frequently am with turmoil and max gear, after a fight where i have minimal food itd be fair too lose 24m to them.

Also a little thing, if im after someone whos also risking a lot, its just a little tool which i use to bluff that i have food, because as soon as they start running they dont fight back in most cases, but i have the tab encase they outlast me, even if i were to stay until i had no food.

But naturally a g maul pure, whos probabaly 60ish combat, allready setting goals to max out, knows best.

man i just said that if u have tabs u can't say 24M risk, that's all. Don't be so rude, peace and love

ur fucking stupid every main carries teleports, ever seen a 100+ main risk over 10m without any kind of teleport??

I ItalyPK I

wasn't good really, pray drops, pot to barrage, 99% ragger kills with dharoks is very easy.

So if i were to get attacked by a lvl 116 hybrid which i frequently am with turmoil and max gear, after a fight where i have minimal food itd be fair too lose 24m to them.

Also a little thing, if im after someone whos also risking a lot, its just a little tool which i use to bluff that i have food, because as soon as they start running they dont fight back in most cases, but i have the tab encase they outlast me, even if i were to stay until i had no food.

But naturally a g maul pure, whos probabaly 60ish combat, allready setting goals to max out, knows best.

man i just said that if u have tabs u can't say 24M risk, that's all. Don't be so rude, peace and love

ur fucking stupid every main carries teleports, ever seen a 100+ main risk over 10m without any kind of teleport??

i don't


Italy, thats because

A) Youre a pure.

B) You dont risk 10m, probabaly have a 2m bank.

C) Probably not even level 60 yet, let alone 100.

I ItalyPK I

m8 i've a 131 main, i risk claws and i never carry teles


Ofc you do, thats why you went back to pking on a level 60.

Niles Ranger

always remember, YOU'VE GOT THE LORD. excellent vid 5/...thumbs up i think?


Good Job.

Keep Up The Good Work :)


Very nice tank, Love the video. (:

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