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Uh oh, ranging fr00b


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90k exp from 99 hp ;o

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Is a party worth it for 99 hp ? o.o

Edit :: My bad, 99 'constitution' not HP.


Congrats. 99 range and 99 hp in 1 party plez


Damn those are some epic stats, congrats on adding to that epicness.


Very nice, but it's up to you lol. 99 hp is pro thou


99 range is a nice achievement


nice levels - good luck with ramining xp! ;-)


nice whats thats place btw?

Mutated tortoise dungeon.. if im correct  :rolleyes:

never seen that place before lol, great account.


Congrats. 99 range and 99 hp in 1 party plez

I would if i wasn't 50k exp from 99hp, and 2m from 99 range xDD

And i don't wanna spend 20m on cballs, cause i'm not epic enough =[


'grats and goodluck! Those mutated turtoises come after some quest I don't really remember. Was something with the gnome thingy. GOODLUCK THOUGH!


'grats and goodluck! Those mutated turtoises come after some quest I don't really remember. Was something with the gnome thingy. GOODLUCK THOUGH!

The path of glourphie, were you got a free mint cake.

They drop REALLY good loot though, so at least wasted time on the mint cake wasn't a complete diasaster :D

(like 500k a trip)


gratz nice stats to turmoil would've made it perfect :)

Adam | LayDown

nice stats bro :)

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