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PC's Knock Out Video Clip Competition!


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  K.O. [Knock Out] Video Clip Competition!

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Many PKers claim that they are the best PvP users in RuneScape.  We here at Pure Community thought that we should construct a system that would decide who really is the best.  Since competition is a natural instinct of ours we thought that hosting a "Best K.O. Clip" tournament would be the optimal way to choose a winner.

[Entry Rules]

To partake in this competition all you have to do is:

1) Upload a video clip of your best K.O. to a friendly video site e.g. Youtube, Filefront, Putfile. Preferably we want the video to be High Quality and easily downloadable.

2) You must advertise Pure Community in your video clip by linking to our forums in the "More Info" section of your video.

3) Your video must be a real time Knock Out.  It must be in either PvP or Bounty Hunter.  It must not be planned or against a friend.

4) Your Defense level must not exceed 29.

5) One entry per person.  Make it count.

6) You have the choice of submitting either a F2P or a P2P clip.

You will have 10 days, Wednesday April 7, from the announcement of this post to submit a video clip of your Knock Out.  You may reply to this topic, or you can send a personal message to Rude so that it doesn't get overlooked. The latter is preferred.

We expect to have enough entries in order to have a good competition but if for any reason there are not enough entries this competition may become void.  


The Pure Community staff will have a panel of 3 judges who will look at each individual video clip and rate it on a scale of 10 in several different categories. The clip with the highest accumulative score will be deemed the winner and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th place finishers will also get a spot in the top 5 K.O. Clips Video (which will be uploaded on Pure Community's Youtube)

The scoring categories will be:

1) Skill e.g., quickness, reaction time, awareness.

2) Luck e.g., hit damage, circumstances, relevance to the fight.

3) Uniqueness e.g., equipment used, risk, quality

If in need of a tie-break we have designed a way to choose the winner.  We will not disclose this in order to avoid people abusing the method.



We will be giving the final winner of this competition a P2P Pin, 2 Million RSGP, along with a professionally made signature, and of course you'll get the title of having the best Knock Out.  Your victory will be recognized within #Pure-Community 's channel topic and in http://Purecommunity-rs.com/ 's header.  If there are any other questions that need to be answered do not hesitate to ask me.

Thank you, and good luck to all!  :Hi:


just read that winner gets pin lol

how old can the clip be


Reserved gna upl soon


Preferably we want it to be as current as possible.  But since we'll accept clips from PVP/BH it can date back to the opening of BH.


It's fun, and the rewards are great.

Spittles (Old School)

Hi Sefket


Ooooo I might.


finally someone exploiting the community..

ur gonna get a shitload of views when you compile all the sweet ass ko's with some mediocre editing and make bank


Well.. It's always the same stuff so we thought we can bring something in new. We're not just based on "Clan Area".


Thank you guys VERY much for the largely positive feedback.  I hope a lot of FOE compete.  You guys are much accepting to PC than other clan communities *cough* *cough* MM *cough*


Yeah, I don't know why MM always needs benefits when every other site doesn't mind.


dont have permission 2 see the link :S can u give me access?


That's why I said you need to register :P .

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