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My ammonite KC is insanely embarrassing at this point, account is still a work in progress, need to see what im going to do with those 98s 😆



Edited by Damned
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Stay away from wolves at ice plateau 🙂 those west from agi arena entrance are absolutelly mine, I live in that 'cove'. In short those wolfs west from wild arena agi course are occupied 🙂

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4 hours ago, UK_Luke said:

Dedication right there

crabs have become a routine of my daily life, for over a year now, i should have 200m in the next 10 days, as long as i stop letting vetion distract me from my str xp

Edited by Damned
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9 hours ago, Jonah said:

@lol really hope he's not botting!

1. If you come in clan chat, im talking all day long, lmfao;


2. most bots stick to NMZ, no one bots Ammonites, its afk brother;


3. Then again, would be an easy script to write now that youve mentioned it , and could be made undetectable for the duration of the 200m, but I'm pretty sure they keep a closer eye on accounts that are near 200m xp, as the xp tracker sites make it obvious, ive also had a few weird encounters, fairly certain at least one of them was a jmod, did take some screenshots, might upload later;


I know you were just being a silly cunt as per usual and my reply was way too serious, oh well 


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5 hours ago, Damned said:

1. If you come in clan chat, im talking all day long, lmfao;


2. most bots stick to NMZ, no one bots Ammonites, its afk brother;


3. Then again, would be an easy script to write now that youve mentioned it , and could be made undetectable for the duration of the 200m, but I'm pretty sure they keep a closer eye on accounts that are near 200m xp, as the xp tracker sites make it obvious, ive also had a few weird encounters, fairly certain at least one of them was a jmod, did take some screenshots, might upload later;


I know you were just being a silly cunt as per usual and my reply was way too serious, oh well 





@lol dw doesn't look like he was botting!

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On 2/10/2023 at 6:33 AM, Daddy stink said:

I’m so proud of you strong boy

Hoping for rank 666, which is why i have to smash it out now instead of playing around with vetion 

On 2/10/2023 at 10:16 AM, Cole Mind said:

your firemaking level seems to be broken.


9 hours ago, Utc said:

still not maxed smh


i might burn redwoods or something, i dont wantt to be around that many ironmen 

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