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l Murdoc l's first pk vid!- Void tribriding, high risk edge pking, imbued zerker

l Murdoc l

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Hey, i thought this would be a good place to get some views for my video.

Its my first so go easy xD


Void "Tribriding" was in like 4 clips. Was the only reason I watched. Dissapointing.


Void "Tribriding" was in like 4 clips. Was the only reason I watched. Dissapointing.

^ this about the tri briding

but had some very nice hits with ags

x redvsblue

Spend more time editing/get more clips.


When you have such a great account build, i got very disappointed when you pray 1vs1 just because you're risking void.


lol @ first clip you having pray on already, trying to hybrid in edge


Sum really nice clips, wish there was more tribrid tho sorta let it down, but a half decent vid coulda been few mins longer enall

Pat l I Convict I3

The account has potential, IMO if you want more views, get some hybriding in there outside of edge. Everyone is tired of the same edge pking vid with an ags.

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