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couple days worth of training... [mai skiller]


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hello kind sir,

just wanted to share a brief moment of joy (to me at least) with you...

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so here's the 'happy' part for me, i've made exactly 10m off SKILLING in around 5 days..

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^_^ ^_^ ^_^


oh shit! Slakt is back! :Hi:

how are you brother <3?


Oldschool pic <3,  l1l4znpk3r :wub:, miss them times, I'd still play if those times could come about again, but meh Runescape will never be what it once was.


Hmm nice, mostly from steel bars smelting ;)? Did that on my jr too, good cash :D

And besides that, in ur signature u say ur farming for gps, hmm can see that ye ^_^

GL with ur acc, keeping it lvl 3? or making it into beast pure ;)


Nice smithing level , was you making cannon balls ? ;)


wow how u did that


Nice oldskewl picture! Goodluck on the new pure though!


omg is this eric from ricecrackarrr? :o


omg is this eric from ricecrackarrr? :o

yesssshhh  haai bby, u still lounge about in der?

Nice oldskewl picture! Goodluck on the new pure though!

teewhy  :)

wow how u did that


Hmm nice, mostly from steel bars smelting ;)? Did that on my jr too, good cash :D

And besides that, in ur signature u say ur farming for gps, hmm can see that ye ^_^

GL with ur acc, keeping it lvl 3? or making it into beast pure ;)



ye as soon as i hit like 30m gps i think i'm gonna cannon to like 60 range, its been awhile since i've trained, so if anyone wants to let me know the best way of going about range lvls [where to train for good drops and fast xp] it'd be greatly appreciated

i'm trying to do this account right so i can stick around for a bit :p

Oldschool pic <3,  l1l4znpk3r :wub:, miss them times, I'd still play if those times could come about again, but meh Runescape will never be what it once was.


i kno, i miss jeff tooooo  :(


I don't know why people make skillers and other accounts. Train those stats on your pure if you have one and make the cash on it too.


I don't know why people make skillers and other accounts. Train those stats on your pure if you have one and make the cash on it too.

i kinda ruined my pure, scope the stats...

i might raise some money on him later and see if i can get him in foe, this skiller is just for fun atm.. i <3 pixils

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sadly; you ignored the person who made the first post :whistle: SAD


You good cball.


Hmm those stats ain't that bad Slakt.

You can stay 70comb if u get 94 magic.

I'm 78 range 94 magic 69 combat atm.

Chinning for 85/90 maybe then i'll be 70 comb :).

Goodluck getting your account up dude :].

Add meeehhh : t-gaat-tefur

Oh, and how's you haha :D.

Edit: just noticed I typed slakt automatically  :wub:


Hey man, I'll edit this when I come back. :P


sadly; you ignored the person who made the first post :whistle: SAD


luv u buddieee.. you should add me ingame, you still playin on n33b eerrrrr?

Hmm those stats ain't that bad Slakt.

You can stay 70comb if u get 94 magic.

I'm 78 range 94 magic 69 combat atm.

Chinning for 85/90 maybe then i'll be 70 comb :).

Goodluck getting your account up dude :].

Add meeehhh : t-gaat-tefur

Oh, and how's you haha :D.

Edit: just noticed I typed slakt automatically  :wub:

hiii bernnn <3 i'll probably just end up smithing and gettin monies on sory [after i change the name >.<]

if i could afford 94 mage i'd be ontop of it.. [or if i knew something to alch and make a profit off of.. :p]

glad to see your still playin on t-gaatttterz

i'll add you on my skiller considering i'm on him more than anything else atm,

sory isn't membs >.<

You good cball.

no cballs, just steel bars atm, is cballs better money & xp?   o.O

Hey man, I'll edit this when I come back. :P

seriously lookin forward to it sweetheart :] good to see your still around too, fuck i've known you FOREVER!!




bhump, think i should start playin my pure again o.O

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