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If you could turn back the hands of time..


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I posted this on Runevillage awhile back, thought i'd get everyone's thoughts here.

I have been playing this game of Runescape for around 6 years now and i've seen a lot of growth.

For better or for worse we know the game of Runescape is constantly updated by the lovely Jagex staff, with many updates from everything from barrows to the release of the Rs2 BETA way back in the day.

Now my question i ask you today, is if you could turn back the hands of time, what 'era' or part of runescape do you wish you could have back?

Personally i really enjoyed the time around when it was Rs2 but there weren't even abyssal whips yet. oh and of course! pking still was around!

Magic was based on TB'ing and god spells and magic shortbows had 2 specs! some say range was overpowered but it made for some great p2p wars!

my favourite when these used to be good prices haha

Posted Image

Post your favourite era! :)


when i got my first phat, i got a red for 18mil

thats about the time ilx ace ilx was a sick merch


2005 was the best year for updates but I always prefered RSC, so I'd go with 02 from personal experience but since it was because of the community I'll have to go with 05.


After these 8 years of runescape... I must admit, the best experiences I had was when rs2 first came out and mages dominated the wilderness. Everything is good until Jagex decided to release more updates for defense and then took away the wilderness in general... pvp worlds just isn't the same; I'd like to pk in any world I like, instead of being restricted to some set worlds.

Creamie pies

I miss buying gp and seeing those bald gyuys cutting yews :(


No godwars old wild old pc old wildy ditch old varrock lvl 1 fence

i miss it so fucking much


Back when Varrock level 1 was where shit went down =(


id still be a level 3 with a trimmed fucking thieving cape lol


Back when Varrock level 1 was where shit went down =(

This :)


Back when Varrock level 1 was where shit went down =(

This :)

i missed when i didnt know shit about scape, when i was younger i'd explore and do fun shit with my friends, and honestly those were my best moments, i don't even know why i play anymore

I miss when I was 64 cb with TB repping at hills and level 1, fuck wildy ditch. Luring was boss.


Back when Varrock level 1 was where shit went down =(

This :)



When gold farming was at its peak, me and my mates could scam like 200M between us every night.


Yeah the early stages of rs2 were the best, killing people collecting "unids" at druids was always funny.

Superioth L

2006/07 when dbowers at varrock wild wont let any1 step out


When you could trade ofc, it was the time when i was acutally rich from staking/pking/luring, good times.


2006/07 when dbowers at varrock wild wont let any1 step out

cept when they got a dick in their ass by a team of 10.

when Asxcendency were boss.


Early 2006. Me and badb0yl0nd0n used to own the hills.


January 2002, when I started to play. I would go back to the day and close my browser before I browse the site where I heard about it.

Its zeh noob

*Omfg I got killed by those lame mages under varrock


Back when Varrock level 1 was where shit went down =(

This :)


When bonesaw had a moustache

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