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If you could turn back the hands of time..


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my first choice would be to never have played

my second choice wouldve been when my first pure was made in 04 or before that when i pked with main friends

shoutout to himsa18


2005 when i made my first pure


After these 8 years of runescape... I must admit, the best experiences I had was when rs2 first came out and mages dominated the wilderness. Everything is good until Jagex decided to release more updates for defense and then took away the wilderness in general... pvp worlds just isn't the same; I'd like to pk in any world I like, instead of being restricted to some set worlds.

haha the best was when rs2 beta came out you could wear full rune and hit everytime!!!

ya im chase

No godwars old wild old pc old wildy ditch old varrock lvl 1 fence

i miss it so fucking much

level 5 mage pures =D
VLS Drop Plz

Bandit luring in F2P - Good times.

watch me tb

when there were stairs at mage bank. everything about rs was better then.. i remember buying a santa hat for 90k and a rune 2h.


When there was no trade limit, no ge, no items bought out,no wilderness ditch so i can lure ;d


back when my first pure was 62 83 8  with 31 prayer and staking <3


Bald people with names like fhskif78hf or 3402648k, old wildy, world 1 and 2 before ge, old bh crater, we need a couple of those back, but old pking > bh


Varrock level 1 was srs business, oh yeah and being able to smite people for their whips :D


runescape was at his best before the old pc was replaced by what we have now :@


when having money on rs wasnt as important as it is now, basically all people care about

C u r s e d

when staking was allowed!

5tup1d ch0ob

when having money on rs wasnt as important as it is now, basically all people care about


and lvl 1 varrock/hills/drags


Foe 2007, old wild.


World 3 old wild, beginning of rs2. Good times

VLS Drop Plz

Before video making determined who is the best PKer.


Played when party hats were out.

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