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Should I waste more time on bridding?  

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  1. 1. Should I waste more time on bridding?

    • yes
    • no

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Ive been pking a lot lately, trying to get clips for my 5th vid. I currently have enough good clips for 2-3 vids, but very little hybriding. I do have a bit of variety in weapons, more so than my last vid.

Anyways, heres my take on bridding:

It actually takes a little skill instead of complete luck. Yet it takes forever to get kills compared to regular edge pking or even pvp, and ends up being costly as far as runes. Can also get boring when it takes a while to get a fight and all. I know that its entertaining in vids, but I dont enjoy doing it usually.

So my question, should I go ahead and make a new vid which has a bit of bridding, but would be like 75% edge/pvp pking thats not bridding. Or should I wait ages to make a good quality vid with lots of bridding? Either way it would take me a while to make a vid, as Im learning to use after effects. In all honesty, I dont make vids to get fans and all, but just cause I enjoy editting and its something to do while ep gaining. But at the same time I want to make a good quality vid.

So what should I do?

madly hybrid

If you dont enjoy hybridding then stick with pking in edge :)


as long as the edge pking is great it doesnt matter

Superioth L

yea as long as edge pking has quality hits and kos


as they said, except a few clip's of hybriding would be good, & i ain't a fan to any pker, if i like a vid i'll props to it, but imo everybody dies, & it's a game, you make vid's to learn to edit better right?

after my 3 day's left are up im done for a while.


If you dont enjoy hybridding then stick with pking in edge :)

this :)

imo i like a vid that has a lil bit of hybridding but if u like edge/bh then thats what u should do u should do what u have fun doing. gl


Do some briddin, wud like 2 see u with some range kos, morrigans javs/axes/dbow just 2 switch it up a lil :) but pretty much keep on doin what ur doin, works good


just make a vid

already know its gona be ownage :P


it really depends on what you want to do bro...if you want to get a good vid with a lotta of views and subs on youtube i would go with  a lot of hybriding becuase thats what people like but if you dont then i would just do a lil hybriding.

But good luck!


Just do what you wanna do, and own at it :)

I'm sure your vid will be of good quality.

Good luck!


You're an epic edge pker. Just stick with that tbh.


if i were you i would just pk in edge and (depends on your amount of money) use alot of different weapons etc which is alot of fun for pk video's aswell ';) some good hybriding is always good but justlike 5-6 clips is enough =] gl with the video


If your not doing it for an audience just make the editing good if ur keepin it oldschool edge


just try and get the variety right dude


just make a vid

already know its gona be ownage :P

^ ^

This.  :nice:

5tup1d ch0ob

If you have new ags max then you should be all set without bridding.

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