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B 0 N 3 D7 - PK Vid II


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I'm really looking for tips/comments more than anything.  If you liked it, I'm glad, if not, maybe next time.  All I'm asking is that regardless of whether or not you enjoyed the video, leave a comment with some constructive criticism.

I am not the person PKing in this video, I simply edited it.  If you have tips in regards to the content itself, pm [FOE]B0n3d|Jaime




Pro Editor :)

Gj Man And Good Vid


nice job only thing i didn't like was some clips u pk with straight ph neck on..

i h8 kids who do that but gj man 5/5

Gareth l Rare

stopped half way, lost interest

was too slow and messy, bad quality clips (not your fault)



stopped half way, lost interest

was too slow and messy, bad quality clips (not your fault)



nice job only thing i didn't like was some clips u pk with straight ph neck on..

i h8 kids who do that but gj man 5/5

i only neck hug when i get rushed and those people did that

Realy liked the video, shame bout the phoenix necks n id say a little bit overedited, dont get me wrong editin was rly good, liked it alot mate


Realy liked the video, shame bout the phoenix necks n id say a little bit overedited, dont get me wrong editin was rly good, liked it alot mate

Thanks bro


Good editing bro. I agree with Cal 100% at some times the editing was at too much. The first few clips I couldn't even tell what was happening. But overall, good job tal :) and nice pkin boned


Hawt specs!  ^_^

very nice vid except for 3:30 - 3:40 that was just weird  :shifty:


Hawt specs!  ^_^

very nice vid except for 3:30 - 3:40 that was just weird  :shifty:

Yeah I regretted doing that  :sleep:

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