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World Wide for Junior clan?

Ipk No Mercy

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Ipk No Mercy

Well World Wide is a low level pure clan from cmb 42-65.

we thinked along time how we can get new member and i got the idea that we can ask foe if we can be their junior clan.

our irc is:#ww-clan

our clanchat is: this is ww

our forum: http://wwrs.ipbfree.com/index.php?

our memberlist:http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=wwclan

Here what i have thinked about:

well in the foe community are many pures that dont got the reqs for foe and that are training for them. we are from 42-65 so if you are here and you dont got the foe reqs you can join ww and after you got the foe reqs or cmb 65+ you leave us and apply foe.

for example

att 50  str 70  range 83  mage 82  pray 52  hp 76 def 1 will be cmb 65 and can leave us to apply foe

it will have advantages for both clans. we are getting some new member for a while and you will get pures with pking/warring/tanking skills.

how you think about our offer?


Foe has high standards for a reason. Applicants have to work to be in foe.

Creamie pies

i give this 3 days

ya im chase

Foe has high standards for a reason. Applicants have to work to be in foe.

That's what sets the standards and weeds out the failures  :D

Advertising another clan is against the rules, even if you're offering it to future members of Foe.



We are in no need for a junior clan nor the controversy that comes with it.

Gonna leave this open as a discussion and move it to RS General chat. Leaders will most likely decline this on the spot.

Richard (Jub)

Sorry not happening.

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