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I just made this for a friend,



post why

severed arow

In a weird way i kind of like it, although your text needs alot of work (something im bad at too lol) And the edges are a little bit too empty, i like the way it looks like everything is getting sucked into the centre of the image, it's a good start although you still need more practice look through tutorials follwo them and then use all you have learned in tutorials in your sigs build your own style and just run wild with your creativity you'll becoem goo in no time :)

I learned alot from here http://www.sigtutorials.com/ some good tutorials, look at the one on depth and one of the ones on smudging ad see what you can come up with.


cool but wtf did you do to my eyes jesus


cool but wtf did you do to my eyes jesus


@severed <3 thanks for the advice

Ipk No Mercy

i like it :P


Bit small. Otherwise preety good

Gareth l Rare

looks like you took a fireworks image, and fizzed on top of a image

too blurry, text is as well and too small to read (could be because im sleepy)

But mainly, the effects over power the focal and makes it bit ;o just doesn't give me that woah factor sorry


a bit to soft but looks nice


Thanks guys on my next sig i'll try to incorporate everything you guys have said :) appreciate it.


doesn't look good enough for this board.

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