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Phoenix Necklace

VLS Drop Plz

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VLS Drop Plz

I'm aware what they do but are they worth taking when PKing? I've seen some people hate on them and others praise them. Opinions?


I use them when eping/waiting for target, the only time I use them in a fight, is if my enemy safes/prays my specials or crys when i use veng.

They're worth taking if you wanna out-last most peoples claw/maul/dds specs though


I use them when eping/waiting for target, the only time I use them in a fight, is if my enemy safes/prays my specials or crys when i use veng.

They're worth taking if you wanna out-last most peoples claw/maul/dds specs though

How many do you take?


Yes sir, they've done their job for me and saved over 2m in pk supplys. Really handy when you get dds/claw'ed, and the opponent usually goes "nice tank" or "omg what food u using??"

So at 60-80 combat its really handy especially if you're risking alot. I have 1-2 neck's in my inv depending on my risk.


i use them when there about to spec but sometimes there nto very affective


sad no honor phoenix necklace safer sad 2k10 pker sad


i usually take 1 with me when i pk, and the only reason i put it on is if im being rushed or im like 10 hp eating a shark when they dds/spec


pho necks are a great way to come back from being speced with claws.

They only work if your under 10% hp.

My opinion is to cary one around with you pking just in case.

The only downside is that they cost 20k each


I use them when eping/waiting for target, the only time I use them in a fight, is if my enemy safes/prays my specials or crys when i use veng.

They're worth taking if you wanna out-last most peoples claw/maul/dds specs though

How many do you take?



stfu phoenix necklaces blow my 12 inch


stfu phoenix necklaces blow my 12 cm


usually i only use them in wars or if im risking over 1m , i dont see a point wasting 20-40k to save like 300k lol , may aswell just get the drop potentials if im gettin speced out and cant eat :P


I would rather lose 20k than 400k so yes I always bring a couple.


I don't normally use them, but if my targ is clawer or whatever, or targ is rusher, or in run ins, I take 1-2 Necks

Superioth L

i only use phoenix neck against clawer and multi pking


I think they are worth it, especially when your opponent has claws.


If i've got them i always take them, yes they're '10 but they do the job when getting specced.

Robyn| lnch

be like foe. carry 4 of em. u nvr die.


Basically the reason people talk shit about Phoenix Necklace users is that wearing one for the whole fight permits you to get to low hp without dying.  Its like pussying out of the dying part of PKing, because basically you've got this necklace to save you.

I usually bring 1 per return set for trips/wars, and 1 when I PK.  I prefer to use an amulet of glory/power, then switch to Phoenix if opponent pulls out DDS/claws or hits some huge combos.  Its still considered lame by some people, but its not as bad as hugging phoenixes.  As for trips/wars- they are vital.


theyre on and off

sometimes they save u sometimes when its a massive spec they dont do anything

still worth bringing but combo food is better


People hate them because they stop people dieing easy. They are good to take if you dont have combo food/rocktails and are 1 defence or fight alot of people with things like turmoil.


i use 4 on my lvl 55 ranger they're awesome everyone hates me and they cant ko me!

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