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98STR :D

Niles Ranger

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Niles Ranger

SO CLOSE. anyways just thought i'd show you guys possibly 99 very late today or later 2morrow. :) cya guys.

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Niles Ranger

main. :P

Niles Ranger

nice sw bot

lol. i love how everyone on here accuses everyone of botting..its not hard to play a few hours a day getting 9zeal every hour if you've got a good clanchat.Plus the bonus for 100zeal adds to a shitload of xp everyday. think what you want i suppose i cant stop you. and im pretty sure there isnt even a sw bot out there..

Almost there bro.. dont give up!


How can you possibly be 80+ Defence? :D

Niles Ranger

How can you possibly be 80+ Defence? :D

haha :P i dont even have an account with the defence requirements for foe i got this and a zerk. :(

Mainnnnn naw gratz dude 1 more level


gz, sw prod low hp for a main of ur cb L

Niles Ranger


justin beiber faggot.
Niles Ranger

gz, sw prod low hp for a main of ur cb L

yupyup and the thing is i dont give two shits and a fuck about it :)

Grats, 1 more level


waqjoo nice man


wtf 80+ def haah i tiought it was an pure

oops doublepost sorry :lol:

Shut Up Kid

lol, i saw a fail bot today in sw, 50 people were gathered at our avatar and they werent moving or talkking for the whole game.

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