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Do You Play Runescape Too Much? Dont Let This Happen To You


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VLS Drop Plz

I dislike how the game is blamed - They don't put a gun to your head and tell you to play.

That's like how those two fat bitches sued McDonalds and won. It's pathetic how the consumer doesn't blame themself.

I'm addited due to depression and lonelyness. If I'm invited out, I'll go. The rest of the time I'll be online. However I'm not out much because Australia's too spread and is hard to get anywhere, australians are lazy bastards and refuse to do stuff (I'm English), I got bullied a fuckload at school so I don't have such a wide selection of friends. (Because I'm english, fucking australians.)

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Its zeh noob

Lol'd if you don't play runescape, you'll waste your time playing mw2/wow/hustin'on zeh streetz or any other thing like that. Thats what kids do and always will do.


I survived Runescape addiction.


[glow=red,2,300]Once Again For The Slow Ones... This Is NOT ME[/glow]

please excuse my english, english isnt my first language

now i'm 19 years old, i played non stop from 15 to 18, i wasted 3 years of my life to this DEVIL game. i never had a day without runescape for 3 years, i played from 5 to 18 hours a day. 365 x 3 x 10 = 10'000 hours of time spent on this evil game, 10'000 x 6.5$ minimum wage = 50'000$

it happened to me after my freshman year...

i was 15, i was a happy boy during my freshman year, played soccer basketball and tennis...

until i was introduced to this game with a very bad graphic, called Runescape, at first i didnt really care for the game and just played it to pass the time.

As time went on, i found myself playing even more and more everyday. My Sophomore and Junior year, my life was like this.

1. wake up and go to school.

2. come home at 3 and played runescape from 3 to 11.

my parents tried to make me quit playing, but i didnt listen to them, i played 8 hours a day weekdays and 10+ hours on weekends, i barely passed my classes and i skipped school often

this was my everyday life, i often found myself playing this game and skipping school, ditching friends, doing nothing but sitting on my computer all day.

one time i binge played close to 18+ hours a day for 7 days .

it all came to stop at the end of my senior year when my runescape account bunny_mgl was banned, i was selling the game items on ebay.

my 3 years of work came to end, i was one of the richest player in the game. looking back at what i did and how i missed out and i wanted to kill myself. i was so mad that my work was erased, that my parents hated me because i treated them like crap, only friend i had was on the game,

my teacher told me to see the school nurse and she referred me to see Psychiatrist, we talked for 30 mins and i was taken in a police car to mental institution for having suicidel thoughts. when i told the psychiatrist that i had bought 5 extacy pill and thought about over-dosing myself with it,

i'm not the only one from runescape to have a life like this.

This game Runescape is such an evil game, you literally have to play 10 hours a day for a month or two to complete one skill and theres 20+ skills, the created of this game, JAGEX company hired Psychologists to make the game addicting so they can take away from a million people 5$ a month to play the game, in this game there is roughly 150-300 thousand people who are addicted to this game and their lives are being eaten. there is at any given moment 100-200 thousand people playing this game.

i want to rescue the other people who sunk into this game like i had, i want these big corporations to stop making these games so addicting and time consuming and eating lives of others.

i think my account getting banned was a help from god to get back into my life. now i'm in college 3rd year, i have a happy life. i go to church on sundays and spend time with my family.

i wanted to bomb the head quarters of this game company but i dont think voilence will solve this. plus runescape isnt the only game that is eating people's lives.

you mean $65,000

ewww not really on only when i join a clan or something like that or foe pking. always afk. or at the gym. wake up. eat breakest. go to school( do my best), come home at 5. go outside/finish hw/eat w/ the fam's, play rs for like 30mintues


Lol'd if you don't play runescape, you'll waste your time playing mw2/wow/hustin'on zeh streetz or any other thing like that. Thats what kids do and always will do.



the guy just seems unstable in the first place, ive seen mass people play everyday and when they got banned they quit. Not think about blowing up a fucking building or killing himself.  Op is just a pussy


We are infected. Naw I play runescape all day and wait for people to call and make plans but if not I continue to scape.

Basically my story

im a fat kid

its for fun, people do other things for fun.

VLS Drop Plz

its for fun, people do other things for fun.

Yeah but to save my downloads I fap to RS.


My life 2006-2009.


I'm shocked. about 99% of what he wrote is exactly what happened to me (including the pshychiatric institute). the only difference i see is that i'm not banned and still playing regularly though less than i used to (i used to play over average of 14hours/day for a while).

Alot of (young) people here still dont realise the danger of this game, and i hope they will never experience it either.

i started Rs in 2003, first 2 years it was really innocent playing like 5hours/week. i hate this game now yet i still play, to me its way more dangerous than any drug and ive done a wide variety of them. Rs is also the only thing ive ever been addicted to.

also to give you an idea of how many people are really no-lifing like this: im only ranked like 10000th in overal list. im pretty sure about 90% of the top 10000 has literally no life besides rs.


why would you play that silly game?

Playstation is a lot more fun anyways.


^True dat. I used to play way too much too. But now I've discovered something

That's way more fun: Hanging outside with friends and talking all day with them/girls! :o

Only time I play rs is when it's raining or something.. :/


why would you play that silly game?

Playstation is a lot more fun anyways.

So why are you here? Makes NO Sense


Runescape is the closest you can get to doing drugs without worrying about taking a piss test.


Everyone's been addicted to RS at one point or another. Most people on this forum still are; They just try to hide it. Admittedly, I was addicted to RS hardcore my sr year and after I graduated. Between 15-18 I played a shit ton cos I had no job and no responsibilities except to party and play RS... But this was 4-7 years ago.

by the way, my main's ranked 4500 or something. But all I do is bot, so smd :D



Just remember, this is only a game.



Just remember, this is only a game.

I guess some people just see it as more... much much more.


fucking love addictive substances and games


"my 3 years of work came to end, i was one of the richest player in the game. " ORLY?? That's a cool story u got there tbh  :sleep:

And yeah as said b4 Nobody forced u to play the game just get self control and quit it/play less and problem solved.

"Proudly" quit 1 month ago and i bet nobody even cares but i'll say it anyways  :wub:

Xx M0cr0 Xx

fuck jagex

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