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Long time no talk guys


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I am very very confused.


I am very very confused.

Welcome to runescape


Mink? No clue who that is haha

Well that's what Lighthouse25's new acc name is?

I thought it was bullshit when i first read it, cos why make a new forum account if your old ones still there.. and this just sums it up in my eyes, you aint Light - fuck off.


He probably has the same IP because of a NAT/Proxy. Bet it's proxy.


He probably has the same IP because of a NAT/Proxy. Bet it's proxy.

Maybe because I created both accounts.

Its understandable ya'll think i'm just whoring.. but seriously who the hell would pose as a runescape character that's not even famous at all.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed some of those pics at least I'll try to find a few more later.


He probably has the same IP because of a NAT/Proxy. Bet it's proxy.

Maybe because I created both accounts.

Its understandable ya'll think i'm just whoring.. but seriously who the hell would pose as a runescape character that's not even famous at all.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed some of those pics at least I'll try to find a few more later.

get on your original account and respond to this...


Well if you're real, then cool pics.

If you're fake... then you need something better to do with your time :p lol


hi oldie

im a fat kid

epic screenies :)


Hmm very fishy


cool pics and sorry about ur account:( if ur an imposter u fail in life

Dave (Cha0s)

lol, its the real one he's just not on his old forum account :P. I guess he forgot he had it ;)

Dave (Cha0s)

You have the same IP as Lighthouse25 on forums yet you don't post on that account? You say that you haven't been here since 2007 yet someone from the same IP as you on Lighthouse25 forum account posted pictures of the account and partyhats, ect on them recently.

I don't know what's going on with the IP's but it seems to me like you're an imposter?

Yes, this absolutely makes no sense. This topic makes no sense.

Closed until you sort your head out Alec.

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