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New sig!!! ~~~oneman1army~~~


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here it is:

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made a few changes:

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some different backgrounds:

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Think this is the final edit now:

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I rly like it , maybe cuz am getting the cape in a few days or a week or something ;o

li oo0oo il

8/10 nice job :D:d


Lovely, i want 1!!!!!


the fuck is there bricks on it


the fuck is there bricks on it


severed arow

it's got some nice aspects to it but it looks liek some on had anal bleeding and shat on it :/


yeah 6/10 maybe 7, good start.

and wytch your sig is fucking hilarious haha.


the blood is ment to be there btw whole effect of pking


The cape looks nice, it's the background that's the issue, it's just kinda there. Try doing something which adds focus to the cape instead, or even just adding a border might do something.

Also the swirly thing, not sure what to call it, is a bit rough on the edges and goes slightly over the cape, if you can sort that out it'l look nicer :)

Gareth l Rare

get rid of the blood (doesn't work in my opinion, unless was you killing someone)

make cape bigger and line are thiner

Other than that its not bad, needs work but practice makes perfect. :)


First off stop beveling everything, it's an incredibly tacky effect.

As Rare said, the blood doesn't really look too ergonomically appealing.

Also, try and stay away from just using random C4Ds and different coloured brushes and try building your own background... Also the pen tool's a bit too linear tbh, try and make the coil tighter toward the cape rather than just being a bunch of jagged lines.

Good improvement from the last pieces you've posted, well done :nice:


9 coz its my fav cape


9 coz its my fav cape

10 cuz im unique, or should that be 0?

not liking the border :(

i dont think it even needs one. really tacky imo.

likin the swirls tho


keep practicing...


Love it coze its my first and favourite 99 skill cape ;)

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