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Make it into a pure?


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should i turn him into a pure or keep as skiller? i have a 8m bank atm

please say what kind of pure i should make him into.

i have a maxed main

a banned zerker pure with 330m bank, veng, 99 str, ect.

a banned 86 str 60 att and 94 mage


If you are bored of skilling then yes

Good luck :nice:

ya im chase

Idk what to tell you but you can skill as a pure so why not.

I would do maxed at 60 attack one def ect.

goodluck with whatever you do :)

Guest Emote|Muse

stupid skillers


someone loves to bot ;]

i got mai skiller to 71 smithing atm, gonna be my first 99  :]

umm i was thinking of making mine into a pure but wth skillers are way more badass

umm if your that good at training then i'd just rec to make a new acc and SW's your face off till your 99's with 60 att..




get more money before going pure because you will need it

the pure world looks like a cool place but it ain't that good as it used to be anymore

make ur choice wisely id say :/ i wouldn't do it


8m bank? sht. Do whatever you want.


Do it, u already got 2s rofl xD


wow sxc acc if u make it into a pure


Skillers are so pointless, go pure.


50 Att 11 prayer and maxed out :)


skiller or main, pures have so many restrictions and you'll just get down on yourself because so many kids bot and achieve shit that would take you a year, in one single month.  mains are less botting, more profit/things to do


Lmao Perplex, A skiller or main? Pures have so many restrictions? Skillers can go no where cause of no quests etc. And main can do some WGS? Pures is the way to go..


Lmao Perplex, A skiller or main? Pures have so many restrictions? Skillers can go no where cause of no quests etc. And main can do some WGS? Pures is the way to go..

no barrows gloves, free attack on whips, easier cash making, higher level of bridding, and a shit load more quests then wgs, they don't have to pray on everything that can hit 5s. etc.

Shark 99 fishing, then go pure.


i would defs make it a pure, ud be a sick pure if u had the right cb stats, ud have a good total level and all..

Adam | LayDown

well what are your interests? do u like g mauling? do u like dds? do u like just skilling?


lol 8m.  not worth the effort then :)


how do you only have 8m with 99 smithing? invest into rune bars, and make plates or legs or some shit, you could triple that amount in like a week...


whats the point being a skiller lol. ofcourse make it a pure like 60 99 1 99 45 99 .


50 Att 11 prayer and maxed out :)


Stay skiller, 8m isn't enough in my opinion =S

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