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Pvpedu Goals and Achievements!


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Hi guys, I'm Deniz ive been playing runescape on and off for about 5 years now. I went through multiple accounts and pures, before making this account i had about 3 accounts, a main, tank, and an init pure, all locked now and i'm back on a new pure after Strung Chaos, my initiate pure, got locked about a month ago. The account was coming around great and i was working on foe requirements. Well, when the account got locked and yes, its perm, i thought i would quit and not come back, my friends talked me into making a new account and i did. Enjoy my thread.


Well i first started off being a corrupt pure, but now ive been getting really tired of it. I decided to go init pure, because well, pking sucked, so i look at this as a start over ^^


-20/60 Attack

-60/80 Strength

-20/20 Defence

-1/85 Range

-1/43 Prayer

-1/70 Mage

-1/55 Slayer

-1/? Hitpoints


Finally 60 strength! Now im going to be range training.

Posted Image

Random Stuff

I'm also hoping to make a pvp vid. I suck at editing i wont even try to make one by my own, any good editors who would like to do edit it Pm ingame or forums.

Quit! New account: Red Voyage look out


Did you get the best gloves you can before training def?

Not sure which you can get with needing to get attack XP for a lot of them, not sure if theres any you can do to get def xp which you missed?

Good luck & Nice goals though  :nice:


Good luck on your goals! hope you make them ;p

I purestr5 I

Goodluck :D

-I purestr5 I


VXT i think he didin't.GL for your reqs im training at crabs atm too.


goodluck with that! sounds pretty unique and cool, biggest problem is the money :p

Warn Fishers

goodluck with that! sounds pretty unique and cool, biggest problem is the money :p

Iz Ahrim Iz

goodluck with that! sounds pretty unique and cool, biggest problem is the money :p

Look up N0ta, sick corrupt pker.

But yea, did you get addy gloves b4 20 deF?


Goodluck with the new account. :)


goodluck with that! sounds pretty unique and cool, biggest problem is the money :p

Look up N0ta, sick corrupt pker.

But yea, did you get addy gloves b4 20 deF?

Yeah the money is a huge problem but i can still make it.

ive known n0ta for a long time, he's pretty cool, but he can get a little cocky :|

I cant blame him, he barely gets hit on in that armor ^^


Gl mate, pure ess is my style :)

pked fo sho1

Gonna have to say, fail. You didn't get gloves before defence :(


goodluck with that! sounds pretty unique and cool, biggest problem is the money :p

Look up N0ta, sick corrupt pker.

But yea, did you get addy gloves b4 20 deF?

He can't get addy.

You get a lot of attack XP getting addy.

Adam | LayDown

nice but why 20 def?


nice but why 20 def?

At 20 def, i get to wear corrupt vesta and statius for pking.

lulz gl mate


nice goals m8. i was fightin a full statius the other day they so hard to hit.. i got 99 range with d bolts n still got droped lol

Y4nk33 D33s

good luck with your goals


nice goals m8. i was fightin a full statius the other day they so hard to hit.. i got 99 range with d bolts n still got droped lol

Yeah its pretty beast. I'm super worried about the cash though, making that pk vid is gonna cost me so much.

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