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3a rushing vid 2 :P


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This video has ALOT more rushing hten my last one, though it is still only around 3 minutes long.

Enjoy, and rate/fave/subscribe please. <3

vid ends at 2:35. forgot too shorten down song


needs less vids but longer ones


I know they need to be longer, but I lost the will too live rushing people all day lol, So uploaded this while I work on a honour one as we speak. ;D


wow this worse than ur previous 1 plz stop


ultra, if i gave a fuck if anyone thought my vids sucked, you'd be the first one too know.


very nice d bow specs  ^_^

wasnt a big fan of the one where you pjed a fight though


Thats because he pjed me black, The caption fucked up a bit, it was mean ttoo say "revenge is a bitch, pj me, I pj you back." and it ended up on the wrong clip. ;D


got clips risking claw in pvp. rawr?


bro instead of making a short video just get enough clips for a 10min long video because that's way more entertaining


ultra, if i gave a fuck if anyone thought my vids sucked, you'd be the first one too know.

Stop posting them then? if you don't care about opinions what's the point in posting it...E fame?

Was going to watch the video but then i saw that reply...Obviously no point?


ultra, if i gave a fuck if anyone thought my vids sucked, you'd be the first one too know.

Stop posting them then? if you don't care about opinions what's the point in posting it...E fame?

Was going to watch the video but then i saw that reply...Obviously no point?

lol @ 114 post count. gtfo these forums kido
at0mic skill

needs a hand cannon  o.O


ultra, if i gave a fuck if anyone thought my vids sucked, you'd be the first one too know.

Stop posting them then? if you don't care about opinions what's the point in posting it...E fame?

Was going to watch the video but then i saw that reply...Obviously no point?

if you read, I said i don't give a flying fuck if people dont like it, So if you're going to flame someone, atleast make a valid point you fucking retard.

And thanks stef. I'll make the video longer before I upload it next time, :)

at0mic, When i can be bothered too do the quest i will, haha But at the minute I just can't be bothered. not a huge fan of questing atm. :D


Le me guess, u made this in a day? U made 2 pk vids in 3 days hilarious, u should only use the clips with the epic hits and music fails... tbh I would delete these vids and start again, I expected more combo's from u since i've seen u pking


Like i said, it's only a rushing video, not exactly an honour one. And Yes, I made it an a day, or so. I'm not deleting them, but vids will be better when Ive got more clips etc. and most of the clips are epic hits. You can't exactly combo when your rushing either.


Like i said, it's only a rushing video, not exactly an honour one. And Yes, I made it an a day, or so. I'm not deleting them, but vids will be better when Ive got more clips etc. and most of the clips are epic hits. You can't exactly combo when your rushing either.

Well... then show us some more pking instead of rushing

Like I've seen u doing much (morrigans jav venge etc...) and maybe get a cannon? d bow is so old school unless ur a pure :D


I pk and rush, I vid both, and as i said a minute ago, i cant be fucked too do the quests atm.


I pk and rush, I vid both, and as i said a minute ago, i cant be fucked too do the quests atm.


I pk and rush, I vid both, and as i said a minute ago, i cant be fucked too do the quests atm.


/care I'll do the quests when i feel like doing them.


Pretty good, was boring after a while tho when i watch rushing i wanna see huge risks aswell as rushing! like 3njoy--lumby's santa claws vid. still not bad.

I All Pr0 I

Pretty good, was boring after a while tho when i watch rushing i wanna see huge risks aswell as rushing! like 3njoy--lumby's santa claws vid. still not bad.

True,risk is always fun  :p

Anyway Nice vid,get's boring tho after a few kills  :mellow:


more pking pls


Decent video, Keep up the good work!


this title is disceiving, i thought you would be rushing in 3rd age lol

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