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FOE's Saturday Trip 10thApril2010


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FOE vs MM.

The fight took place at 18 portals, Both clans rushed in and the mayhem began, MM run in their with range prays up, so foe ran in their with their scims.. Credits to the scouts and the "cape off unit" for a good job.

OPTS: Starting:FOE ~80 v MM ~70

          Ending: FOE ~50 v MM ~0


FOE wins #1.

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We then moved around the wildy for a while, knowing that HF were being MM's little bitches and following us everywhere: finally we caught up with MM near moss giants, we pinned them against the lava and thrust our scims deep into their muffins. (ew)

OPTS: Foe~75 v MM ~60

          Foe ~65 v MM ~0 left at battle, as they ran to single like pussies.

Great victory for FOE again, tribute to the scouts who allowed us to get in and out before some main clan charged us (hf)

We met MM once more, about 10 minutes later, as they ran straight into cwars, thought id slot a line in here, rather than making an entire "battle" post for 5 seconds of action.

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Like the truly legit clan we are, we decided to let MM regroup and replenish their banks, so we moved after DP, the only other clan who had enough balls to take us on, and by balls, im not just talking about their "female" hc...

We were hanging around the CW area, when we saw a few dots moving to the north east, as we do, we fucking charged in and saw DP.

Opts: FOE ~70 --- Dp ~70 + Hf.

          FOE~50 ---- DP ~40 +Hf ~5000000

Finally, as we were fighting DP, some sad main clan decided to come and hit us, staying OFF dp, yet crashing into us.


Sadly the only other image i have of this fight is a rather funny one.

Thanks to Reevesy:

Here we see HF sucking Dp's dick.

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Barely 5 minutes later, DP are seen leaving clanwars and moving towards the Chaos Alta, we decided to hot-foot it to BH and wait for them there!

Opts: foe ~60--- DP ~55 + #Snipe~10 [camping on leaders] + MM ~5 [wearing foe capes. Braves, Oga, Spw.. Aka Faggot Unit]


To recap this mayhem.... Fight starts at Hills/Cw, then moves to bh stairs, then pushed back to 18 portals, THEN pushed back again to CW.

Great job to the FOE, #1 f2p will be ours soon!

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