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Prisoners on Deathrow


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We were having a discussion in #Brap about how prisoners on deathrow should be made to fight to the death in a cage for our entertainment. It would be like the UFC but with no referee. They're going to die anyway so why not make it a pay per view weekly event and provide entertainment for the people? Just let the gaurds pick prisoners at random and throw them in against eachother, if they were to hang back to much pussy-footing about throw in a few meat cleavers, bats with nails drilled through or even a crossbow. And if they refuse to fight completely let them square off against vicious dogs that are on "doggy-deathrow" untill they're torn apart. Aswell as bringing entertainment to us, it'd bring in a lot of money, save the prisons money feeding and housing them and they'd be able to cut tax because of it :D

Thoughts & would you pay?

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I wouldnt pay for that, sounds a lil sick lol but its a weird one because as u say they gonna die anyway, also they mustve done somethin pretty sick themselves to be in there so its hard to say but u dont know what was goin through their heads when they commited whatever crime they commited so i dont really think its right, treatin em like animals

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Gareth l Rare

I would definitely pay to watch this. COME ON OSAMAAAAAAAAA!


This is a discussion which has been around for as long as i can remember.

2 ways to look at it

1. Hellz yeah that would be sweet. (give them weapons and watch on HD TV wide screen ftw)  :lmao:

2. Is this what we come to, how barbaric we have become. To a point were we hate/criticize  violence yet support it on tv for our own amusement purposes.  :shifty:

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I wouldnt pay for that, sounds a lil sick lol but its a weird one because as u say they gonna die anyway, also they mustve done somethin pretty sick themselves to be in there so its hard to say but u dont know what was goin through their heads when they commited whatever crime they commited so i dont really think its right, treatin em like animals

Summed it up for me.
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^^^ I dunno Harvey. There's some pretty sick stuff on tv nowadays. Just learned about media influences on adolescents today in Psych.

Anyways. I would probably pay to see it. Sick idea, but I guess I'm desensitized by the media lolz. Oh and I am not not not not not a fan of Death Race, crappy crappy movie! aaaah! so as long as this UFC death row edition doesn't include jason statham and that other guy I'm cool with it.

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