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My 2nd attempt at a cartoon sig =]


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Hi, i am currently making my 2nd ever attempt at a cartoon sig, it's not amazing obviously since it's only my 2nd try and i am nowhere near "experienced" with photoshop :p

I have decided to make it better and use it for myself, CC would be nice from some more experienced people, =] thanks

Posted Image

Final edit: added stars, gave him a beard, did alot of colour alteration, animated the cape, fury glow, and put my name fading in and out :P

Posted Image

Teh Maullers

I won't use it, but it looks pretty good.  :D


For an amateur, nice.


Lol, the background is rather embaressing though, i just can't seem to do backgrounds =/


It's really dark :P


It's really dark :P

Yeah ive only ever done bright sigs, so i wanted to try a deep-wilderness effect


Its not bad at all for a second attempt, Gj.


looks like you got some idea of what your doing, you should take the glow off the reflections of the stars/moon and blur them instead then stretch them vertically a little bit.

Also the texture on the climbing boots looks wierd, you should just leave em plain grey.


The ground could have  been done better if it weren't just a bunch of separate, coloured lines. It's a lot better when it's brighter, though.

Tap U Hard

climbers look bloated, and beard is weird haha, But sides that nice man.

btw i cant talk. lol

Teh Maullers

The text looks nice.  :)


Not bad, but paint is ftw  :wub:


Pretty nice for a second try. ^_^

Keep it up.  :victory:


For a 2nd, look's ok. Climbers look like boulders :S

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