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89 str n stuff.


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Im not app'ing untill I make you guys shit bricks with my stats  :nice:

BUT! for now its time to go outside get some fresh air and troll bitches irl Ultra style  :blush:


nice stats, but until you get range up I'll be shitting no bricks


nice stats, but until you get range up I'll be shitting no bricks

Gareth l Rare

nice, gl on 90+ str and hopefully range :shifty:


You doubtin my hustle? lol im getting at least 95 str then alching 99 magic whilst i slayer no life range :) or perhaps soul wars :P either way ima have a 99 before i app and all other stats above 90  :victory:


Gratz beast acc :O


Gratz beast acc :O

:blush: awwww thank you  B)

Hey, btw does anyone know any good ways to train str/range while making money for 99 magic? im no lifing range/str/slayer atm but moneys kinda slow :o i wanna get 99 magic so when i hit 99 str ill get muh trim :)


Congrats :) You can't make Foe sht bricks, cause there is a lot of maxed pures in Foe.

ya im chase

Congrats :) You can't make Foe sht bricks, cause there is a lot of maxed pures in Foe.

but goodluck trying  :lol:

cya soon


Congrats :) You can't make Foe sht bricks, cause there is a lot of maxed pures in Foe.

but goodluck trying   :lol:

cya soon

Ok, but still your saying you guys wouldnt want another maxed pure whos also very sexy irl in your clan  :Hi: LOL

Im just saying I want to apply when you guys will actually consider me to be a big asset to yo clan  :nice:


Very nice account, keep up the good work :nice:

Guest Emote|Muse

off the chain


'grats, you should get addy gloves and do DT though.


off the chain

:omg: what are you mean by that  :ph43r:

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